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Been a while since I've done any modding so I'm now having to get all the tools installed on my machine. Anyway, Gecko... I don't remember all this work with it.

I keep getting the message

Exception during program initialization

java.io.IOException: Unable to locate Oblivion installation directory

I have tried




No luck with any of these. I'm running windows 10 and have updated Java.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.

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I don't have Windows 10 but to make it work I copied javaw in the program directory, had to change my registry to set my java version as 1.7 and also needed my game to have a registry key.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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I managed to fix that problem by inserting the Oblivion directory into the shortcut


C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\javaw.exe -Xmx1024m - oblivion.install.path="C:\Games\steamapps\common\Oblivion" -jar "C:\Users\Tobias\Desktop\Oblivion Downloads\Tools\TES4Gecko 15.2\TES4Gecko.jar"


however, I now get the message "could not create the java virtual machine"


Java is fully up to date and running.

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1. Create a shortcut to the program.

2. Open shortcut properties and add 'javaw -Xmx1024m -jar' to the target path before the first quote

3. Hit OK and if no errors then this will properly format that line to open the program with java.

4. If the path to java isn't set automatically then you may have to manually set it.

5. (I don't believe that your Oblivion Game install directory is required anywhere during this process.)

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the install directory can be a problem if Oblivion is loaded into the correct place. I should have fixed that problem my entering the install directory in to regedit, but that didn't work. Which is now I've inserted it directly into the shortcut, That fixed the problem of it not finding Oblivion. The problem I'm having now is that java wont launch the virtual machine

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