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Question re "Marauder" Guards


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Not sure if I'm posting in the right section, but it relates to something I've noticed while working on a mod. Many of the Legionnaires encountered in the main quest are classed as Marauders; is this to keep them from arresting you for accidentally hitting an ally?

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Are you sure those Legionnaires aren't only for the game's E3 release demo (i.e. scripted Kvatch combat demo)?


- Edit - I see that the MarauderMissile class is also used for the Legion soldiers at Fort Sutch ... maybe just a carryover from the E3 demo days (I've heard that the entire village of Sutch was planned and then dropped except the Oblivion Gate ... could be another of those little "details" that Bethesda never got around to doing anything about before release).

Edited by Striker879
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The marauder's class has the heavy armor and blade skills among its primary ones. Since the imperial legionnaires all use a heavy armor and a sword this ensures these skills increase with their level.


You shouldn't confuse it with the faction belonging which is totally independant.


Giving a guard the marauder class doesn't prevent him at all behaving as a guard.

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That's what I thought, since there is a "Guard" tick-box, in the CS Class window. As I understand it, Burd and Bittneld can't arrest you, because only the Imperial male has voice files for arresting the player. Anyway, I'm not going to change the Legionnaires' class, since I suspect as Marauders they're slightly tougher (Armorer, Block and Heavy Armor as major skills).


EDIT: I will be changing their equipment. Like most NPCs encountered in the main quest, they only have steel weapons instead of fine steel or silver.

Edited by zymurgy65
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