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What's wrong with this script?


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"endif" must be as one only word.


PS: From wikki "[ActorREF.]GetWeaponHealthPerc" is the correct instead of [ActorREF.]GetWeapHealthPerc although I'm not sure if it can't be shortened this way.


Edit: Is not wrong replacing the actual weapon but there is another way to accomplish the same thing which is adjusting it`s properties by the script, like damage, rate of fire and so on.


Another thing, this kind of test running in gamemode is somewhat demanding because it will be running at each frame. You may want to make it a quest script so it runs at each 5 secs. That script clearly does not need that kind synchronism.


Anyway you may want to grant that change not happening while in combat mode.


Can be useful testing if the weapon is the currently equipped even if that is an object script; in this case you could perform the weapon replacing only when the weapon is sheathed least to break immersion.

Edited by nosisab
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"endif" must be as one only word.


PS: From wikki "[ActorREF.]GetWeaponHealthPerc" is the correct instead of [ActorREF.]GetWeapHealthPerc although I'm not sure if it can't be shortened this way.


Damn, that was stupid of me. I was looking at other scripts for reference and I swear I thought I wrote endif as one word. THANKS FOR THE HELP.

(Great response time too.)

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"endif" must be as one only word.


PS: From wikki "[ActorREF.]GetWeaponHealthPerc" is the correct instead of [ActorREF.]GetWeapHealthPerc although I'm not sure if it can't be shortened this way.


Damn, that was stupid of me. I was looking at other scripts for reference and I swear I thought I wrote endif as one word. THANKS FOR THE HELP.

(Great response time too.)


:) from my long career in system analyze I can grant you these distractions are among the most difficult to quick pinpoint by the actual coders (exactly because they have in their mind they wrote right) and the easiest to pinpoint by casual readers... it`s a psychological phenomenon.

Edited by nosisab
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