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Debt ceiling bill.


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I probably won't participate in this, and it will be something more of a discussion topic probably.


For those who didn't know, a bill was passed today that raised the debt ceiling and did massive spending cuts.


A few of the things cut include entitlement programs and certain defense spending (not the kind liberals want cut.)


Also there will be something called the "Bipartisan debt-reduction committee." What this is three republicans and democrats from the house and senate. Meaning a total of twelve people. They will decide a lot of future spending cuts, with tax raises and further entitlement cuts not allowed (I think.) A lot of people are calling this committee the "Super Congress."


Just to read on it more, here is a link.



Yea its a Huntington Post article, but I am sure everyone can read past any bias.

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Anybody ever think that this whole thing was staged, so that the republicans and the democrats could look good to their constituents. I mean what really happened here. Did they produce anything, more or less, than they ever have done. A lot of hot air and little to no results. All they did was use scare tactics and political posturing to look like they are actually doing the work, they were sent up there to do, and they are still doing the same game.


How many so-called commissions have they had, and how many have they ignored, outright. The only difference in this one was the influence of The Tea Party and that just elongated the process for their dog and pony show.

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I honestly think they (the politicians) are too stupid to set up anything in the sense you are talking...or too worried about filling their own pockets. I read an article (And gods help me I can't now find it) about this....and it supposed that this debt-ceiling wasn't really THE problem. The US can not default on any loan that is held on US dollars....why? We can make more dollars in theory...and there was more to it than that so don't go slamming me about devaluing the dollar. Hell the entire economy is based not in anything real but merely are faith in it...so come on!!. However what is important is getting industry and manufacturing going to begin to make things to MAKE MONEY.


Then...there is this...the airline tax issue that the Congress is fighting about..and a republican blocked a proposal today before Congress left town...over a few million dollar issue....so instead they Congress leaves it unsettled and loses hundreds of millions in tax revenue until it IS settled. Does that make sense? This issue also causes many government employees that do various inspections and the like on airlines in rural areas (which is what much of these taxes go for..to pay for the rural airline hubs..of which I admit my State has one) but the thing is...these guys travel hundreds of miles to do their jobs. They have to eat and sleep somewhere...now they are basically having to foot their own bills for thousands of dollars out of their own pockets with no knowledge of if or when they will get reimbursed. (By the way, the republicans...think if their is an decent airport within 90 miles of you -as the crow flies of course-then you don't need a hub airport in your area. Well!!) Wow.


In a way I am glad the govenment settled the debt issue with a compromise....compromise is how government works. You get something going, make a darn decision then work out the kinks. Government has ALWAYS (study your history people) been about compromise. I think their needs to be more. How about we make an amendment that Congress can't leave with something big on the table...let the president have the power to call them back to work...oh wait they would never go for that.


So the debt thing...it was certainly something that was being used to cover real issues...by both sides. In the end they got something done ONLY because they realized how bad it would have been if they didn't (Saw a report though that the ones running for president...only one said they would have voted FOR it *shakes head*)


Governing is not an all or nothing thing in a democracy or republic. There MUST be compromise....deals made (even when we don't like them.) Something has to get done and it hasn't for years. I am tired of the bullcrap..I am tired of the media on both sides also making things issues at times that are not...for the sake of a slow summer news day.


The American people need to rise up and finally demand better. This is government of the people, for the people and BY the people after all.


Edit: Also it is my understanding that the committee of 12 youa re discussing..won't MAKE the decisions but recommend them...I get your point though.

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Anybody ever think that this whole thing was staged, so that the republicans and the democrats could look good to their constituents. I mean what really happened here. Did they produce anything, more or less, than they ever have done. A lot of hot air and little to no results. All they did was use scare tactics and political posturing to look like they are actually doing the work, they were sent up there to do, and they are still doing the same game.


How many so-called commissions have they had, and how many have they ignored, outright. The only difference in this one was the influence of The Tea Party and that just elongated the process for their dog and pony show.

This is why I don't believe in government, organized government at that.

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Didn't I kinda say that? LOL

Didn't you say they compromised?


I may be misunderstanding you, but it seems like you said that it is a good thing they reached a compromise when I don't think they were ever even trying to compromise.


"So the debt thing...it was certainly something that was being used to cover real issues...by both sides. In the end they got something done ONLY because they realized how bad it would have been if they didn't (Saw a report though that the ones running for president...only one said they would have voted FOR it *shakes head*)"


This part :biggrin:....and yes it was a compromise still as it could have not been done at all, not all compromises are 50/50 equal-sided. I also stand by my post that compromise is the only way government can get things done when you have two political parties in power.

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