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Challenger NPCs


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Doubt it can be done. Would take upwards of 500 hours to make it.


Really? From what I gathered OP was asking for a set of random reoccurring spawns once certain level requirements were reached, granted the voice acting would take some time.


Good idea, I've noticed this type of request (for both generic encounters and more unique ones) seems to gather interest :)

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This is probably easier to make then 500 hours then it seems. As it stands in base Skyrim (including Hearthfire, Dragonborn, and Dawnguard) after you Alteration, Destruction, and a couple other magic skills reach Adept, a random mage will appear to challenge you (http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Challenger). It as classified as the bandit mage as andysjunk mentioned above. I would think you could take the event triggers and copy paste them into new custom npcs for different skills as well as the 'rules' that the npc wants for the duel. Of course, this is a simplified idea for this and likely unless you wanted to put in the effort, there wouldnt be much variation in the npcs and could get boring fast.

Edited by Bricius
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I bet my virginity that no one will make something like this.


Such a negative nancy! People already have done, no reason it can't be done again.


Well, the guy has a point. I don't think it has been done before not that I know of.

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