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A problem with hair


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There is something sisiously wrong with hair. I tried to reinstall ...with mods and without mods, but it doesnt help. Anyone has an idea what could be wrong?











Also... I'm pretty sure water is not suppose to look like that:









Official update patch error:




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I don't know. For me hair looks the same, even with Vanilla Oblivion. I know it wasn't the case before, so I blamed it on the fact I'm using a virtual machine now and the graphics card here (or is it even the simulated one?) isn't exactly great to begin with. Maybe it can be fixed by messing with the shaders or settings, but it doesn't seem to be mod-related at least, not having had installed any mods on my first run to see if the machine can even handle it Vanilla at all.
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When you unninstall it will keep your mods. Delete the Oblivion folder under Bethesda Softworks AND under My Docs> My Games AFTER you unninstall. Now install again. But dont install ANY DLC yet. Patch it to the newest patch before you get the DLC or it might NOT work. Hope this helps, best of luck.


-Ian the Lewis of Kentucky

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If you get the error on a clean install of Oblivion, make sure you're actually using the correct patch and your game's not already patched to the latest version, as this will for example be the case when you install the second disc of the GotY edition I've read.

Your language has to match, no using uk patches on us versions or even worse. If your game's from Steam, it's likely to be already properly patched by Steam. If it's a D2D version, you'll need the D2D patch. If you're "not" using the Shivering Isles expansion, don't use the official patch "for" Shivering Isles. If you "are" using SI, only use the SI patch, and so on.


And don't install patches incrementally. You will only need 1 patch, the latest. Any previous versions can make it so the latest won't recognize the files, which leads to exactly this error.


You can check which game version you're already using by reading it up on the bottom left of the main menu screen with the map loop running. You're going to get v1.2.0416, which is the latest.


DLC is abbreviated for downloadable content and means the official expansions you can even use on consoles. Likely it was refered to Shivering Isles here, as no others matter in regards to the patching process (correct me, if I'm wrong).


I hope it helps.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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I used to have errors like that (the hair) when I had a Radeon video card. Some cards just don't render the hair properly. As soon as I switched to Nvidia the problem resolved itself. Now back when I had the Radeon card was when I made the first version of my cosmetic pack. It was based off of some other mods that were fixed to work with Radeon cards. (Note to moderators: Yes I had permission to release everything at the time this mod was new.) You can try it and see if it works and if it does then at least you'll know what the issue is. Unfortunately I don't know of a fix other than to just use hairs that are set up to work properly with the card that you have.


You can find the old version of the cosmetic mod here: http://www.mediafire.com/?zhzwh9mhj4g


As for the water, you can make it look better if you increase your settings in the game. You can also search for some ini settings to help with the water.

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To SavageArtistry:

I can't try that, because I'm using laptop. Graphic card: Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family. Game settings are set to the highiest, but water still looks same. Well, I'll try out the mod you provided.


To HeyYou:

What do you mean?

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HeyYou means there are 3 texture sizes, low, medium, and high. low being poor quality good performance, and High being best quality and decent or bad performance. Try using medium or high texture packs.
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