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In Need of Geologist / Meteoroligist Help


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If a geologist / meteorologist would be interested in helping me determining whether what I have is a meteorite the size of a small human skull, weighing just over a largely exaggerated number, please do PM me. I've had the thing for years. My grandfather gave me the thing, and said he was the one who discovered it on a customer's property, who didn't want it, although I have a feeling that might have just been a story. I don't really know, and I can't exactly ask his corpse. I mean, I could, but it's a bit of a drive. And I don't gas money.... or car money... or money.


Anyways, I've searched around my city, even googled everything I could think of, and no geologist / meteorologist exists around me that would either know / tell me for free / try to convince me it's worth less than it is, buy it from me, and then make bank. Yay, general attitude of my city.


Anyways, although I understand your word will mean little officially, I would, for personal sake, like to know from someone who knows what they are talking about their thoughts on this rock. Also, an estimated, shoot-in-the-water price on value :D Who wouldn't want to know?


Should someone be interested please PM me and I will PM you pictures of said rock in return. Far too lazy to do it right now, especially since I'm cleaning at the moment, and just wanted to type this out while I remember it.


Thank you,


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



PS: Weighs a few pounds, roughly three of my large-handed fists put together.... ish, if that helps peek interest. High concentration of iron and oxidization in several spots.

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My apologies, but I'm looking for someone who has official documents to attest to their knowledge, not someone who made it a hobby. I mean, I'm not being nitty-gritty and saying I need Ivy-league authentication, but at least someone who does have an idea of what they are talking about, and the schooling to back it up. If nothing else than to keep this rock in mind and not just eventually have it sit in a closet or storage facility until the likely early day that I die, collection potentially multiple layers of dust, and if there's time, possibly a cobweb. (Although two might be pushing it.)



Thank you though.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Not exactly a geologist (not the field you're after btw if it is a metorite), but has worked as a substitute science teacher and do know my way around various materials ;-) And where they come from.


How much do you think it weighs? In exact gr.

Got the pictures?

How does the surface "feel"?

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It's so big I don't want to make an imperfection to see the core! :O


CommanderCrazy, you got me sold. As soon as I am no longer lazy later on (today?) I will provide all the necessary information via PM. Thank you very much, my friend!


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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It's so big I don't want to make an imperfection to see the core! :O


CommanderCrazy, you got me sold. As soon as I am no longer lazy later on (today?) I will provide all the necessary information via PM. Thank you very much, my friend!


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


Once you have everything sorted mind showing us some pictures? Curiosity gets the best of me.

Edited by antonkr
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:( I just remembered that my uncle still has it. He procrastinatingly said he'd find someone. He never even tried, and I forgot it in his car when I came back to town. (During my escapade to the mountains earlier this year, as well known to all of possibly half a person who isn't me, depending on how many one fifth persons visit my profile page and how often.)


But at least now I remember to call him up and get it back! I'll PM everyone interested the photos when I get it back. Just leave a comment here, don't PM me I need the inbox space, and I'll check back and send you all a generic, copy and paste letter.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, GOSH DARN IT!


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