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games crashes at start


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You have definitely got a problem. I had this same one once myself, and everything I did to try to get out of it was foiled. Believe or not the answer lies in COMPLETELY uninstalling Morrowind.


However, you will need to follow the system set down below:

  1. Copy the Morrowind Save file to a separate location.
  2. Uninstall Morrowind completely.
  3. Go into the file system and make sure no folders or files remain for Morrowind.
  4. Clean the registry for any occurrences of Morrowind.
  5. Defrag the system, you can also perform an anti-virus scan and an anti-malware scan as well.
  6. Re-install Morrowind.
  7. Put all patches required in place.
  8. All your mods must bet re-installed.
  9. Place your Morrowind Saves in the correct place - this way you'll be able to restart your game from where you left off.
  10. Re-start your game, but save as soon as i loads.

I know the above sequences work, and believe me when I say that I tried everything to get the game to function again before trying these steps.


Unfortunately, a lot of people seem to regard large hard drives (250Gb and upwards) as being able to absorb anything they do, and that a simple thing like regular de-fragmentation is not necessary. This is not the case, and I would advise anyone to defrag their hard drive(s) at LEAST once a week to try to eliminate problems like this.

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