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Have we gotten ANY info on blocking while dual wielding weapons?


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Is the combat system going to be better in the sense of fighting with allies against one enemy?


Back in oblivion if you were using anything with some range you'd not only kill whatever enemy it was but you'd also hurt/kill your ally, which may end a quest.


I hated battles like the battle for bruma cause npc's got in the way of my swing and died, which then gave me more infamy points. I've had to type "resurrect" in the console countless times, enough so that i binded it to a button push.

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I think it's due to gameplay balance (and probably a lack of more space to let you parry/block). Dual wielding is probably all out damage (as far as the game goes), so you sacrifice defense for it. That doesn't mean that you can't simply maneuver out of the way of attacks.


As for the better NPC question, I remember an article somewhere saying that the AI would be better. That goes for allies and opponents.

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Read the Skyrim Info thread. It's been confirmed that you cannot block while dual wielding.


Dual Wielding =/= equal two handed weapons. I could understand not being able to block while wielding two weapons, but they haven't said anything about two-handed weapons.

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