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Bethesda sues Notch over the use of the word "Scrolls"


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I hope to God that if this sees the inside of a courtroom, they side against Bethesda. I love the Bethesda games but this is idiotic. These types of frivolous lawsuits is what is killing the once stellar system of justice we had in the US.
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how can you trademark a word? i could understand bethesda if the word "scrolls" was displayed in a similar manner, ie: font and color. If "The Elder Scrolls" has such worldwide renown as the letter states then i believe everyone would be able to tell the difference between the two games. Besides, TES is a way better game anyway.
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ZeniMax needs to get a life, from my understanding of European Trademark, Patent and Copyright laws, it clearly states that WORDS cannot be grounds for legal proceedings unless it poses a direct threat to profits or directly effects sales ratings within reason. From my understanding of this ZeniMax really has no grounds to sue. I would go as far as put my 2 cents worth and stand up for the other guy.
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