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Gamers are the worst kind of people.


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Although these days, due to the dearth of demo releases gamers often end up handing over their hard earned money for a product they haven't had a chance to try beforehand. :wallbash:


(sorry for the offtopic remark :ohdear: )

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Gamers are paying customers, when you hand over hard earned money you are "Entitled" to something of value in return.


SOME gamers, are paying customers.


Most are or there wouldn't be a gaming industry.

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Gamers, uh, how they can put so many different people under one word? Let's see myself as example:

I only play one online game. All my games are bought from shop and i have huge piles of gameboxes around. I never cheat online, but i cheat on singleplayer games. Only singleplayer. Cheating against other people is against my moral. I respect other people even i don't like to be with people. I'm somewhat lonely gamer, who don't even play online much.


What this tells you? All gamers don't play online. Most gamers who play online don't talk so much about themselves. Only the part of gamers troll, cheat and ruin other ways netgaming societies. It's not all. Not even close.

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Okay, I'm generally not fond of doing this, but I'm going to request the thread to be locked. Having seen a thread on the same article on another forum, I think it's for the best. Every time just as the thread started dying off, some lurker or forum newbie would happen across it, get angry about it and try to start a heated debate on the topic, which might or might not include telling the OP what an idiot he or the columnist is, then just as it starts dying out and moving to the third or fourth page, it would start all over again. I feel everything that needs to be discussed on the topic has been done already, and it's no use leaving it up so someone can get all hot or bothered by it. The thread and article title is already reasonably controversial, and it's a matter of time before it happens here, taking into consideration that the content of the article isn't much less controversial. While no one has gotten agitated yet, the thread has been dug up after being inactive numerous times now.


I'm not entirely sure how to go about this and whether I should just leave it until one of the moderators happens across it, so I'm going to report it. Mods, please advise if I should avoid doing so in future.

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