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A good gaming headset?


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A year ago I asked people on another forum what they thought would be a good (and affordable) headset for gaming, since this was going to be the first time I bought one. Based on the replies it seemed that everyone thought that the SENNHEISER PC151 3.5mm Connector Binaural Headset was a good buy (yeah I copy pasted the name off of newegg, lazy me) so I bought it. I got it in Januarary and it lasted pretty well up until a few days ago. The mic gave off a bit of a staticy sound, especially when I got into recording lets play videos but it wasn't overpowering and other than that the sound was amazing (way better than using speakers). Now the mic has completely crapped out on me which has taken away my ability to communicate and do live commentary for my videos. Thankfully the headsets speakers still work just fine. After reading a few reviews it turned out that the mic had been known to crap out after a few months (I was lucky it lasted eight).


So do you guys know of a good headset with an equally good mic? I heard that there was a turtle beach headset that was good for both xbox live and pc but I don't know the name of it.

Edited by reveffect
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My friend has Turtle Beach x11s, there pretty good, but i've heard there not for recording your voice, just for live audio chat.


I don't do much online playing, I have a bad headset that works for me and a nice set of KOSS UR21vs, which does not have a mic, but are comfortable to wear for long periods of time, has high-quality sound, noise-cancelling and volume changer on the cord, quite nice, I like them.

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My dad got me a new one when mine broke, it was a cheap one, about 10 bucks. Now, I've had it for a couple of years, but I only started using it about a year ago.




The reason for not using them is (primarily) because I didn't think the mic worked, but that was me who had forgotten to plug some cables in and switch the mic on/off.


But then when I was forced to use them due to my next pair of headphones breaking, they are actually pretty damn awesome.



+ Comes in a black, rubber bag with a little compartment for the detachable mic.

+ Has a detachable mic

+ Very, very, very clear sound from the headphones.

+ Has an amazing mic, I mean seriously. All of my friends tell me how much they love my mic, no static or interferance, just clear sound.

+ Extremelly cheap, but still has quality.

+ Once you are used to them, they are the most comfortable headphones in the world.



-The headphones are very uncomfortable before you get used to them, I mean VERY. I had sores on and in my ears. The headphones aren't deep enough and aren't wide enough.

But, after getting used to them, they are perfect. Just bear with the pain for a couple of months.

- Can sometimes be a hassle to plug the mic in... (mic cable in correct spot, mic on, mic plugged into the headphones ect...)

- Not a lot of bass. But the tradeoff is that the sound is very clear (see above).


They are called Fatal1ty Gaming Headset by Creative. Go get.


EDIT: Sorry for the grammar fails, I just woke up.

Edited by TheNexus369
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