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Moderating Suggestions


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I've seen alot of topics with suggestions of better moderation on our part, as of late. If anyone has any CONSTRUCTIVE ideas, or suggestions, then this is the thread to post them in. Bear in mind though anything like "you suck", or "i hate you" will not be tolerated. So not saying we will do EVERYTHING everyone suggests, but we'll take the good ideas into submition. Thankyou.



-The Raven-out

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ohGr's post deleted. I don't know what you find so funny about "The-Raven out" but please stop spamming about it.


Oh, and, nice idea Elrol. Will be interesting to see if anyone has anything relevant to add. Unlike ohGr's post there. :P

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Well, I'd hate to have people thinking we delete without reason.... ohGr's suggestion reposted.


theres alot of things wrong with the moderators, ive seen many swear words slip by past the "careful guard" of the moderators, and many insults, now, recruiting more moderators wont help, because last time i used to frequently read the stuff here, it didnt do sh#t, but just one thing out of honesty here.


please, for the love of....some stupid bearded man who thinks hes god in the sky...LIGHTEN UP, you guys are always taking things to seriously, and thinking the little things are making fun of you (take note, that i am trying not to).

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I have posted this elsewhere but I'll repeat it. The suggestion originated in a PM to me from Blackmage.


Could we have a short novices post that goes automatically to newbies pointing to the pinned rules, and explaining the purpose of the search and edit buttons. (This is where most of our problems seem to stem from).


As a second thought, most people sign up to get access to Downloads and never post at all. Could there be an added level to request to post to the forum (as opposed just to reading them)? That way the 'newby pack' would not go out to those not interested.

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The defaults seem to be set at 20 topics or thirty days for a page of viewing. Could we increase those by 50% or so? I'm not sure if a lot of the topics that are duplicated/FAQed to death are really from people not looking, but from thinking that what's on the page is all that there is, or not realizing that you can change the number of days to be included. As an alternative - put how to change these in the info pack that Malchik suggested.


I know that I had some difficulty with some of the stuff when I first came to the forums, as I had never joined one before. Malchik's idea would take care of some of the questions I had but discovered answers to simply because I like trying buttons.


As of now, it seems as though there are lots of categories that are moderated by lots of different people. I believe I picked up, from HELLLs posting, that he is now moderating the RP area. Is this standard for moderators, where each moderator has something special that they are the 'head' moderator of? Or is everything kind of a group effort?


If there is one for each section, could everyone who is a moderator, perhaps in a pinned thread somewhere, put down which threads they moderate? If so, also, does this person have the final say in any dispute/conflict that occurs in that section? If not, I think they should, and that fact should be known to everyone. There are several instances where blocked/deleted posts are reopened by another moderator. If only the chief moderator of that section could reopen things, it might send a better message if everyone knew that the one reopening it was in charge. Otherwise, you may have someone whose post had been deleted shopping around until he can find a moderator to reopen/repost the message. Even if the post is not worth reopening by any stretch of the imagination, the moderators do not need PMs coming from disgruntled posters. With the law resting in the moderator in control of that topic, being able to fall back on the known and posted rules could avoid headaches for the Moderators (remind me to sell my Bayer stock if this one goes in).


Good idea Elrol.

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As of now, it seems as though there are lots of categories that are moderated by lots of different people. I believe I picked up, from HELLLs posting, that he is now moderating the RP area. Is this standard for moderators, where each moderator has something special that they are the 'head' moderator of? Or is everything kind of a group effort?


All mods have mod power everywhere. So no, nobody's got any specific section (with the exception of the MEMod stuff). Sure, it might seem a bit overkill, but we aren't all on at the same time. So it ends up with stuff dealt with quickly since there's no problem with the only mod on being unable to do anything outside their section.

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It might be nicer if there was more interaction with the thread starters by the mods if they are going to lock a thread. If a starter decides a thread has run its course, then by all means he/she should post to ask you guys to lock it. But if it gets locked without his (for the rest of this post i'm assuming that the 'he' is the pC term to use) knowledge and there is more he wants to say, then wouldn't that mean he would open up a new thread, based on the same ideas so he then gets flak for not using the search buttons. Its pretty exasperating sometimes. i'm not saying you guys do a bad job; far from it - this si the best-run community i've come across so far, which is why i spend the majority of my online time here. It would just be nice if there was more interaction between mod and member.


PS: If this does actually happen over PM or something then please ignore what i've said.

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Well, I'd hate to have people thinking we delete without reason.... ohGr's suggestion reposted.


theres alot of things wrong with the moderators, ive seen many swear words slip by past the "careful guard" of the moderators, and many insults, now, recruiting more moderators wont help, because last time i used to frequently read the stuff here, it didnt do sh#t, but just one thing out of honesty here.


please, for the love of....some stupid bearded man who thinks hes god in the sky...LIGHTEN UP, you guys are always taking things to seriously, and thinking the little things are making fun of you (take note, that i am trying not to).

What? That's not the post I deleted. He was just laughing at "The Raven-out" :huh:


Well, anyway, I see your point loveme4whoiam. Maybe we should just leave threads unlocked unless the starter says to lock it. Though locking it as soon as question has been answered is a good way to avoid necromancy...

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I metioned somthing about this before, I think the topic was ock feedback somthing, anyway my ideas was shot to hell. I think maybee a after the lock mini post should be avaliable, like the topic starter can post a emoticon if anything at least only the moderators can veiw to knoe if the topic starter had a gripe, but then again the PM eliminates the need for this. And people would abuse it, posting :angry2: everytime their post is locked. but it's a thought.
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