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When will this insanity end. Another CP site found!


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I just heard about this on another board. A web site called DREAMBOARD just got taken down, the other day for promoting and distributing child pornography. Not only were they distributing it, they were asking their members to make more of it.






MY GOD. isn't there a way that the servers can go in and look at the sites they host web sites? I know they might be hundreds, but shouldn't someone be responsible for checking out what they are hosting. I know that Rapid share had to go through what they were holding after they got sued, because people were keeping cracked versions of software on their site.

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They don't see that there is anything 'wrong' with theirselves...... To them, society is just 'suppressing natural instincts'. Or some such malarky. My opinion? If convicted, kill 'em, and be done with it.

This. The first part, sad and true. The second part, sadly not true.

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Well, I believe peadophilia is just as much an issue of sexual orientation as homosexuality, and I actually feel sorry for peadophiles in that sense. I'm not condoning it either, so before you start writing your 'omg i hope you die you idiot' posts, hear me out. Instead of getting angry and wanting to lynch them, we should actually try and help them through it. Sure, if it's a sexual orientation thing, they can't really help it just as much as homosexual people can't, but in the case of peadophilia, they're actually doing harm to someone if they act on their urges. Whenever they act on their urges, I'm all for throwing them in jail, however, a lot of peadophiles are attracted to children and never act on it, but are also too scared to go ask for help because of society's strong views on peadophilia. It's really a rather sad predicament they find themselves in.


Sites like this are heinuous though, and there is absolutely no excuse for it. Unfortunately for every one that gets busted, another ten continue functioning and spreading this filth.


That brings me to another question, though. With sites not listed on google, how do people come across them?


MY GOD. isn't there a way that the servers can go in and look at the sites they host web sites? I know they might be hundreds, but shouldn't someone be responsible for checking out what they are hosting. I know that Rapid share had to go through what they were holding after they got sued, because people were keeping cracked versions of software on their site.


Chances are these people were hosting it on their own server. I don't think anyone doing something so obviously illegal would host it on someone else's server.

Edited by Halororor
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Just because they are sexually attracted to children, doesn't mean they have to act upon it. I want a lot of stuff I don't own, but I don't take it, because I am not a thief. If these people don't know what they are doing is wrong, why are they hiding it? Why do they go to these sites and have so much security to protect their privacy. This is about a site and the actions of those who are there, not about someone slipping a look at a younger girl at a pool. This goes far beyond being a pedophile. This goes into sadistic child rape and maybe torture.
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I really wish that, for once, people would start reading what I write in its entirity before replying to it. :/


A very small amount of the people who are sexually attracted to minors actually act on it. Others who could really use help are too scared to go seek professional help for it, because they are scared to go seeking help, due to the fact that they are so shunned by society. Sure, you might think all peadophiles should be shunned, but in fact, not all of them have malicious intent. Those who act upon it, sure, do with them as you wish, but there are many more who could really do with some support to help them overcome it.


For anyone interested, here's a piece written by a self-admitted peadophile on reddit:


Ok, I'm a pedo and I find little girls sexy. Big f***ing deal, I was born that way and have been fascinated by cute little kids since I was a teenager.


Fast foward approximately 10 years of self hate and here I am, still attracted to kids and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.


I'm also the last person you'd expect to be a pedo. I have a girlfriend, creative talent, a strong sense of ethics, I am not a rapist or child molester. But in private sometimes I jerk off over pics of cute little kids. Do I like myself for doing it? No. Do I wish I could change? Yes.


But there's so much f***ing misconception about pedophilia it drives me god damn crazy. For a start, the word "pedophile" doesn't even begin to describe the plethora of different types of "pedos" out there.


You have exclusive pedos (ones that ONLY like little girls) and you have non-exclusive (like me) that are also attracted to girls my own age.


You have violent pedos and soft hearted pedos. Most pedos are soft-hearted and there is a strong sense of empathy and care for the girls that are in so called "child porn" and child modelling pictures and videos.


Child porn to a pedo is HARDCORE porn featuring children and is usually pics/video of dads raping/abusing their children. It's disgusting. There are a few different child modelling agencies that specialize in nude child modelling and they are usually posed very erotically. However pictures of nude kids posing for the camera isn't considered "child porn" (or CP) to pedos, and MOST PEDOS DON'T LIKE CP because it's abusive. GOOD pedos don't like to see crying abused kids, most pedos like to see HAPPY SMILING children that are innocent and carefree and comfortable in their own skin.


I personally don't want to hurt kids and I never would. In my fantasies I have sex with kids, but my fantasies are all about giving the kid pleasure and making them happy, not HURTING them. f***ed up? Maybe. But it's only a fantasy and that's how it's gonna stay.


The problem is pedophiles that actually do hurt kids. And yes some pedos hurt kids, because they are f***ed in the head! The main problem is that pedos CAN'T GET ANY HELP. Where do we go? Who do we see? It's not just this easy thing to go to a shrink and be like "oh yeah hi I'm a pedo, can u fix me?" It's deeply personal, embarassing and often the pedo bitterly hates themselves for being a pedo!


I myself have tried to stop being a pedo many times, I used to finish fapping and delete all my pics of nude kids in blind self hate and disgust. It's a common occurrence and I often see people talking about it on the many online pedo picture-sharing forums. But we've got nowhere to f***ing go. Nobody on planet earth is hated more than pedos. Not even terrorists. The sweetest, gentlest, nicest mother turns into a foaming psycho baying for blood if you even mention the word pedophile.


Until this attitude changes, kids WILL CONTINUE to be abused and as the world's population increases and the world economy becomes more and more unstable and as poverty increases this problem is only gonna get worse! The change needs to come from people who hate and revile pedophiles because until we stop being so f***ing stigmatised, we're NEVER gonna be able to get any help.


Anyway enough about all that, I originally came here to say that Toddlers and Tiaras f***ing SUCKS, the girls aren't even hot (they are so made up they look like mini adults!) and the abuse by their parents f***ing disgusts me.


If you want a sample of what kinda little girls I think are hot/cute, check out these - they are fully clothed and these pics are not illegal in any way! Just pics of cute kids.




[1] Kate - this girl is my favorite. She is so cute it hurts!



[2] Nicole - I think she's about 14 and she's sooo pretty! :)



[3] Peach - she's a little one but omg she's so insanely cute!



[4] I can't remember this girl's name but isn't she beautiful!



[5] This girl is a softcore nude model. She isn't nude in this pic. She has the most beautiful body ever! Soft and smooth with beautiful feminine curves.


Last but not the least, if you think Toddlers and Tiaras is bad then I would like to draw everyone's attention to how f***ed up some pedos really are. Some pedos get turned on by HURTING and TORTURING kids. Some pedos just wanna hurt children. The things I have seen in the underground internet would appall and disgust you as much as it did me.


[6] This picture is a screenshot from a notorious secret internet forum where the members plan the kidnap, rape, torture and murder of children. They write stories about how they abused and hurt kids and discuss the best places to kidnap kids and what chemicals to use to subdue them. EDIT: THIS WEBSITE CANNOT BE TRACKED, TRACED OR TAKEN DOWN. IT IS INVINCIBLE BECAUSE OF THE TECHNOLOGY USED TO HOST IT. [7] More info here


These people f***ing disgust me and I hope they get caught, put into a straitjacket and left in a lonely white room to fester until they die. They honestly make me sick because they ENJOY hurting kids. That is the opposite of what I like.


The links probably won't last long as the censor brigade on Reddit will soon get them taken down.


Peace to all! :)


(this was posted from TOR so don't bother trying to track me down)




Really very eye-opening.

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Just because they are sexually attracted to children, doesn't mean they have to act upon it. I want a lot of stuff I don't own, but I don't take it, because I am not a thief.


No, that´s the whole issue. You´re not a thief, so you don´t steel. But if you where you would probably steel anything that wasn´t nailed to the floor.

The pedophile has the same problem. Where I come from we do try to help pedophiles, we even have places where they can turn in anonymous and without getting busted.

However it is a very slow process to aid them, since it also here is a very hated crime. It is a shame, because if we could get rid of the hate, we could do more to help, thus do more about the whole issue. The way we help them is a kind of "chemical castration", some medicine that will take away all the sexual functions.

Though we do a lot to help, and try to breake down the surrounding taboos, it is still a very hard crime here, and those who are not getting help, and cought in the act, will get a long sentence, including a treatment programme.

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