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GOOD pedos don't like to see crying abused kids


There is no such animal as a "good" pedo.


There is also little likelihood of rehab for a pedo, recidivism rates are depressingly high.


ANYONE that would ACT on a fantasy of having sex with a child doesn't deserve to breath the same air as the child.


Of course, the definition of child varies from country to country, and even age of consent varies dramatically, sometimes even from state to state.

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Just because they are sexually attracted to children, doesn't mean they have to act upon it. I want a lot of stuff I don't own, but I don't take it, because I am not a thief.


No, that´s the whole issue. You´re not a thief, so you don´t steel. But if you where you would probably steel anything that wasn´t nailed to the floor.

The pedophile has the same problem. Where I come from we do try to help pedophiles, we even have places where they can turn in anonymous and without getting busted.

However it is a very slow process to aid them, since it also here is a very hated crime. It is a shame, because if we could get rid of the hate, we could do more to help, thus do more about the whole issue. The way we help them is a kind of "chemical castration", some medicine that will take away all the sexual functions.

Though we do a lot to help, and try to breake down the surrounding taboos, it is still a very hard crime here, and those who are not getting help, and cought in the act, will get a long sentence, including a treatment programme.


Honestly? Where do you live, the middle ages? No offense intended with that. But finding young children atrractive is by no means the same as fapping to child porn, condoning child porn or abusing and raping young children. Chemically castrating someone for something he/she can't help, but will never act on either is just as cruel and barbaric imo. I can understand doing it to convicted peadophiles, but not just any one, because the vast majority of them find CP and abuse of children revolting.


Unless you meant it's only done to convicted peadophiles?


There is no such animal as a "good" pedo.


That's a bit harsh, don't you think? As you can see, the person in the extract I quoted hates himself for it, yet can't help it. I wouldn't call a person like that an animal. I'd call him a normal person with a very, very, unfortunate affliction.


Remember, pedophile does not automatically equal child abuser. I know it probably sounds like I'm playing devil's advocate for the peadophiles here, but I really think we need to start being more open-minded about it. Right now, they're probably some of the most hated people out there, and with good reason in many cases, but unless we change our mindset, we can't help them. Scientists are scared to touch the subject, because of how sensitive it is, so they can't really find a viable solution for the condition.

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Just because they are sexually attracted to children, doesn't mean they have to act upon it. I want a lot of stuff I don't own, but I don't take it, because I am not a thief.


No, that´s the whole issue. You´re not a thief, so you don´t steel. But if you where you would probably steel anything that wasn´t nailed to the floor.

The pedophile has the same problem. Where I come from we do try to help pedophiles, we even have places where they can turn in anonymous and without getting busted.

However it is a very slow process to aid them, since it also here is a very hated crime. It is a shame, because if we could get rid of the hate, we could do more to help, thus do more about the whole issue. The way we help them is a kind of "chemical castration", some medicine that will take away all the sexual functions.

Though we do a lot to help, and try to breake down the surrounding taboos, it is still a very hard crime here, and those who are not getting help, and cought in the act, will get a long sentence, including a treatment programme.


Honestly? Where do you live, the middle ages? No offense intended with that. But finding young children atrractive is by no means the same as fapping to child porn, condoning child porn or abusing and raping young children. Chemically castrating someone for something he/she can't help, but will never act on either is just as cruel and barbaric imo. I can understand doing it to convicted peadophiles, but not just any one, because the vast majority of them find CP and abuse of children revolting.


Unless you meant it's only done to convicted peadophiles?


There is no such animal as a "good" pedo.


That's a bit harsh, don't you think? As you can see, the person in the extract I quoted hates himself for it, yet can't help it. I wouldn't call a person like that an animal. I'd call him a normal person with a very, very, unfortunate affliction.


Remember, pedophile does not automatically equal child abuser. I know it probably sounds like I'm playing devil's advocate for the peadophiles here, but I really think we need to start being more open-minded about it. Right now, they're probably some of the most hated people out there, and with good reason in many cases, but unless we change our mindset, we can't help them. Scientists are scared to touch the subject, because of how sensitive it is, so they can't really find a viable solution for the condition.


:D Trouble being: I don't WANT to help them. I want to kill them. Those that don't actually ACT on their desires I just don't have an issue with, those that do? Well, I would not have any trouble at all solving all of their problems with a high-velocity bit of lead.

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Just because they are sexually attracted to children, doesn't mean they have to act upon it. I want a lot of stuff I don't own, but I don't take it, because I am not a thief.


No, that´s the whole issue. You´re not a thief, so you don´t steel. But if you where you would probably steel anything that wasn´t nailed to the floor.

The pedophile has the same problem. Where I come from we do try to help pedophiles, we even have places where they can turn in anonymous and without getting busted.

However it is a very slow process to aid them, since it also here is a very hated crime. It is a shame, because if we could get rid of the hate, we could do more to help, thus do more about the whole issue. The way we help them is a kind of "chemical castration", some medicine that will take away all the sexual functions.

Though we do a lot to help, and try to breake down the surrounding taboos, it is still a very hard crime here, and those who are not getting help, and cought in the act, will get a long sentence, including a treatment programme.


Honestly? Where do you live, the middle ages? No offense intended with that. But finding young children atrractive is by no means the same as fapping to child porn, condoning child porn or abusing and raping young children. Chemically castrating someone for something he/she can't help, but will never act on either is just as cruel and barbaric imo. I can understand doing it to convicted peadophiles, but not just any one, because the vast majority of them find CP and abuse of children revolting.


Unless you meant it's only done to convicted peadophiles?


There is no such animal as a "good" pedo.


That's a bit harsh, don't you think? As you can see, the person in the extract I quoted hates himself for it, yet can't help it. I wouldn't call a person like that an animal. I'd call him a normal person with a very, very, unfortunate affliction.


Remember, pedophile does not automatically equal child abuser. I know it probably sounds like I'm playing devil's advocate for the peadophiles here, but I really think we need to start being more open-minded about it. Right now, they're probably some of the most hated people out there, and with good reason in many cases, but unless we change our mindset, we can't help them. Scientists are scared to touch the subject, because of how sensitive it is, so they can't really find a viable solution for the condition.



Bull Crap. People like you who try to rationalize things, side step reality.. People who are attracted to young girls are the one's who perpetuate the instances of internet child models. They keep and share pictures of little girls, and are the one's to subscribe to these sites. Without an audience, these child model sites could not make money and would disappear


Goggle webebweb studios if you dare and see what you come up with. They are thankfully closed down and their webmaster now sets in a prison cell


I live in the real world, where people see things as they are. Not a world where people think that they can change the sexual orientation of someone by talking to them. All you guys do is facilitate them into believing that it isn't their fault that they are this way and end the end you allow them to justify their cravings by thinking that they have a sickness.

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Well, I'm not buying what the guy in the "extract" is selling.


I don't agree with these other guys, either, I don't believe the world is or even can be 'black and white'.


The guy you quoted is crying crocodile tears, sure on a scale he maybe doesn't want to 'hurt' the little girls he molests, but it still hurts. If he was honest in not wanting to hurt little girls he would not indulge his fantasies at all. And certainly never ever act upon them, voice them, or give them any other material world power.


It's like when you're standing on a tall bridge or tall building and a twisted part of your brain thinks I could make that jump. The sane and rational among us counter the crazy and dispute the negative thoughts that are part and parcel of the human condition.


But that guy struck me, personally, as the Walrus in the Walrus and the Carpenter:

I weep for you," the Walrus said:

"I deeply sympathize."

With sobs and tears he sorted out

Those of the largest size,

Holding his pocket-handkerchief

Before his streaming eyes.

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Indeed. We should just kill them all without trying to do any research into why they are the way they are or if there is a way to help them. Yeah, just remember the day you are standing all alone without a problem that everyone ahtes you for, and there is nobody left to come to your aid.


You are a typical, sad case of condemning that which you do not understand.


Also, props for missing the point.


Edit: Not aimed at Myrmaad, the guy above her.


Well, I'm not buying what the guy in the "extract" is selling.


I don't agree with these other guys, either, I don't believe the world is or even can be 'black and white'.


The guy you quoted is crying crocodile tears, sure on a scale he maybe doesn't want to 'hurt' the little girls he molests, but it still hurts. If he was honest in not wanting to hurt little girls he would not indulge his fantasies at all. And certainly never ever act upon them, voice them, or give them any other material world power.


Indeed, but you have to look at it from his point of view as well. Maybe I can simply sympathise with him because I was in a similar situation with my bisexuality, fortunately for me, homosexuality isn't deviant sexual behaviour (although many would disagree), and pedophilia is. I hated myself for what I was feeling, and felt disgusting and vile every time I felt a sexual attraction to another guy. My insecurity in my orientation pretty much accounts for the depression I suffered from for the most part of my high school career. I totally get where this guy is coming from with this. If it's a sexual attraction, it's not something you can simply repress, like you would repress your love for chocolate.


The problem is, pedophilia is considered a taboo subject in most places. We don't understand much about it. Even the idea that it's a sexual orientation is speculative (although one that makes a lot of sense). I still don't like the idea of it either, but you have to admit, this guy has a point. Where do they go for help? It's not really like he can go to a psychiatrist and say, "hey, I'm sexually attracted to children, help me", and not only because he'd probably get beaten up for it, but also because it's embarrassing for them. Even though this guy claims he's a 'good' pedophile, I still wouldn't rest easily for even a second if he's in my house with my children.


You also have to remember, even though we're all living under the human condition, that doesn't mean we're the same. What works for one person won't work for another. As you can deduct from the reddit pedophiles post, it does sound as if he'd love to be rid of his attraction to children.


And yet another interesting view, posted by one of my friends when we were discussing this a while back. Be warned, though, wall-o-text.


The point still stands though, pedophiles are truly the most reviled type of person. With just cause, I believe.


Oh please.


The term Paedophilia, as well as any other "philia", refers to the sexual attraction, not the actual act of executing said attraction. Saying people should be hated just for their sexual attractions, is like agreeing that gays are evil purely based on their sexual/emotional attraction towards males instead of females.


Actual Paedophiliac sexual predators are the "reviled", but they don't represent the majority - in the same way as a heterosexual sexual predator does not represent the majority of heterosexuals.


ANY sexual arousal found outside of the social "norm" (ie, the opposite gender of an appropriate age ratio) is a massive grounding for discrimination, especially since it's one of the more ingrained (genetically and socially) perceptions, and thus much more accepted.


Just as with discrimination against homosexuality, people seem to perceive non-standard attractions as a "choice", and thus the person is right to be hated because they chose to be attracted to certain things.


A lot of it is also around the fact that people perceive sexual attractions as "he wants to do that", and that kind of perception is tied to the perception of free choice.


One should also be aware that every sexual attraction has smaller components that trigger said attractions. They are rarely, if ever, as plain as can be explained. Sexual attraction to something is very often more a collection of sexual attractions based around the concept - several possibly stemming from different psychological mechanisms. So, in the case of paedophilia, it may not be a case of a person just being sexually attracted to a child who is under age, but many potential circumstances that surround that situation.


the majority of the people within pedophilia are known to be pedophiles due to their actions


And how are you able to perceive if the majority of pedophiles act on their actions? Be careful of falling into the trap of the vocal minority - just because the majority of the time you see the words "pedophile" it's about someone who acted on their impulses, does it mean the majority actually do. Then you'd just be like Americans who think all Indians and Arabs are terrorists.

Edited by Halororor
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First of all I cannot in good conscience equate pedophilia with bisexuality or homosexuality.


I also do understand that sexuality is very complicated. And I assume that there is usually a repeating cycle of the 'abuser abuses'. (Which is one of my main arguments for the fact that homosexuality and pedophilia are very different animals.)


If this was a child beater, would you consider him the same way, even if he himself had been raised by a child beater. (@everyone do not twist this into a discussion of the merits of corporal punishment, I'm referring to specific violent child abuse.) That is the congruent equation here.


And of course abusers should go to a psychiatrist. That's exactly where they should be looking for help.

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Ah, but that's the irony of it all. The only pedophiles we are really aware of is the minority who are caught for child abuse. There are many more who would never harm a child, but also suffer with sexual attraction to children, and can't do anything about it, because they are too scared or embarrassed to go seek professional help. I think it's important that one makes a distinction between sexual abuse and sexual attraction in cases like these. You have to remember that sexual abuse, especially rape, is not always about the sexual gratification. It plays a role in the act, but is not always the leading motivation. Citation, if anyone is interested


Let's work with the Dictionary definition of pedophilia quickly:



Noun: Sexual feelings directed toward children.


So, let's say, hypothetically, that scientists find a 'cure' for pedophilia. I really doubt this would stop these vile Child Pornography rings from existing, because the crimes are not always sexually motivated. It might kill off some of the target market, but these things will still pop up every once in a while, and the only way I can really see a way to stop that on the internet, is if the entire internet is redone in a fashion that makes it easy to regulate and control what goes on on it.


As you can see, I find the entire issue of pedophilia and sexual abuse very interesting. It's actually one of the subjects I'll consider if I decide to do my doctorate in psychology, when I get to that in the next few years.


If this was a child beater, would you consider him the same way, even if he himself had been raised by a child beater.


Sorry, seemed to have missed this the first time around. You bring up an interesting point here, but the problem is, the reddit pedophile hasn't done anything that is technically illegal yet, whereas beating your child would be considered illegal. Although, I don't agree with his practice of masturbating to pictures of children, even though they are clothed. I feel that if you are stricken with pedophilia, you shouldn't do anything to feed that condition.

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What was the nadir of what that paedophile was saying was this bit;-


"The change needs to come from people who hate and revile pedophiles because until we stop being so f***ing stigmatised, we're NEVER gonna be able to get any help."


But of course! It's ALWAYS someone else's fault. Damn, why did I not realise that before?


And by the way Halororor, Balagor comes from the famously liberal, modernised society that is Denmark and, I am sure he would not mind me saying, is a self confessed liberal hippie type. No fanatic, our Balagor. I very rarely agree on politics with him, but I have considerable respect for his sincerity and principled reasoning,. It is customary everywhere to jail convicted paedophiles, or to refer them to psychiatrists. So that ass of a Paedo is not only a weirdo and a pervert but an outright liar. I am certain that he could request help from his medic, ask for referral, if he was truly sincere about getting help, but he is just too busy moaning and whining and blaming everyone else for his problems. Not to mention too busy masturbating to pictures of little girls to pick up the phone.


Where I come from in the UK, we have convicted paedophiles who ARE sincere about wanting it all to stop who are begging for the kind of chemical castration that Balagor mentions, the doctors want to help them, but the way that the Human Rights Act is interpreted here, it all has to go to the Human Rights court before it can go ahead.

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That defiinition is kind of stupid. (in my humble opinion).


There are times when we all have glancing attractions to "inappropriate partners", even have moments of inappropriate inclinations toward all kinds of culturally deviant behaviors but that doesn't a syndrome make.


(You've never had a crush on a cousin or a teacher, perhaps? Or found your mother or father appealing?) My father was an extremely handsome man and all my childhood girlfriends had raging crushes on him. With all the blatant flirtation I wonder what thoughts may have gone through his mind in fleeting moments. But he was and is The Most Noble, High-Principled, and Incorruptible man I've ever met. He and my husband get along famously, and I'm happy to report my husband has taken my father's legacy to heart and grown into one of the similarly most trustworthy and honorable men I've ever had the pleasure to know.


Entertaining the thought is what gives it credibility in your own mind, and once you cross that line, you're a goner. That's how I see it.

A second edit:

you shouldn't do anything to feed that condition.

Yes, that's a similar point to the one I'm making.


Edit: and yeah, I have to nod my agreement with Ginny, too.

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