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What was the nadir of what that paedophile was saying was this bit;-


"The change needs to come from people who hate and revile pedophiles because until we stop being so f***ing stigmatised, we're NEVER gonna be able to get any help."


But that's kind of the truth, isn't it? You have to remember, psychiatrists are also humans, and also have their own bias and prejudices to deal with. I can honestly say, if somebody had to come to me now and tell me he's a pedophile, I have no idea how I'd react to it, but I'd have to try very hard to keep it postive or neutral. Just take a look at what you write below, which I'll address next.


It is customary everywhere to jail convicted paedophiles, or to refer them to psychiatrists. So that ass of a Paedo is not only a weirdo and a pervert but an outright liar. I am certain that he could request help from his medic, ask for referral, if he was truly sincere about getting help, but he is just too busy moaning and whining and blaming everyone else for his problems. Not to mention too busy masturbating to pictures of little girls to pick up the phone.


Exactly, but the emphasis lies on convicted. And I agree, anybody who is sick enough to harm a child for their own personal gain shouldn't even be allowed to see the light from way down in their prison cell. However, people are judging all pedophiles because of a vocal minority of them who act on their urges and harm children, which is actually rather sad. Take a look at what you wrote. You call him a weirdo and pervert for something he literally can't help. Have you considered the possibility why he doesn't simply pick up the phone and go looking for help is because he fears people reacting like that? Can you honestly say you've never had an issue that you were so embarrassed about that you didn't want to talk to anybody about it? It happens to me often. Just the other day, I didn't want to talk to my GP about something, a medical problem which I could in no way help, because I was too embarrassed. Suffering with pedophilia is much worse, and with the way people are always jumping to judge others, I cannot say I blame him for being too scared.


Where I come from in the UK, we have convicted paedophiles who ARE sincere about wanting it all to stop who are begging for the kind of chemical castration that Balagor mentions, the doctors want to help them, but the way that the Human Rights Act is interpreted here, it all has to go to the Human Rights court before it can go ahead.


I don't object to the procedure, what I object to is if it is done without the person's consent (yes, even convicted pedophiles still have basic human rights). I just don't see it as such a viable solution, because to me it feels like cutting off the hand to prevent the person stealing. It's too drastic if a better alternative would simply be throwing them in jail for a life-long sentence. It also only helps in the case of convicted pedophiles, because not every pedophile takes part in sexual crimes, as seen in the reddit pedophile's case. He has a normal life, girlfried, everything, but in private he engages in deviant behaviour. I would much rather look for a way to cure him than to castrate him.


That defiinition is kind of stupid. (in my humble opinion).


There are times when we all have glancing attractions to "inappropriate partners", even have moments of inappropriate inclinations toward all kinds of culturally deviant behaviors but that doesn't a syndrome make.


Entertaining the thought is what gives it credibility in your own mind, and once you cross that line, you're a goner. That's how I see it.


Yes, I agree, it is a bit of a bare-bones definition. This one, pertaining specifically to pedophilia as a sexual orientation, is the following from Wikipedia (and I usually hate using WP for citations, so sorry about that. :P)


Pedophilia can be described as a disorder of sexual preference, phenomenologically similar to a heterosexual or homosexual sexual orientation because it emerges prior or during puberty, and because it is stable over time.[51] These observations, however, do not exclude pedophilia from the group of mental disorders because pedophilic acts cause harm, and pedophiles can sometimes be helped by mental health professionals to refrain from acting on their impulses.[52]


Now the thing is, I think we've all encountered what you're referring to, and while it's not really desirable, I think it's a natural part of our human curiosity. The key difference between that and pedophilia, I feel, is that pedophilia isn't a fleeting thing. It's an ongoing disorder, which makes it all the more important for us to try and understand and empathise with people suffering from it. We might not be able to eradicate pedophilia, but if we can help them to successfully repress their feelings and not engage in deviant behaviour, I think it's certainly a step up from chemically castrating innocent people.

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Honestly? Where do you live, the middle ages?>snip< Chemically castrating someone for something he/she can't help, but will never act on either is just as cruel and barbaric imo. I can understand doing it to convicted peadophiles, but not just any one, because the vast majority of them find CP and abuse of children revolting.



No, I don´t live in the middle ages, I live in Denmark. Chemical castration is just a pill, if you stop taking the you will have your sexual functions back again. It is voluntary, btw. Take the pill, or stay in jail. Yes a pedophile do have rights, but also don´t forget he/she is the violater, after all.

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Quite so, Balagor.


And frankly, Halororor, I just don't buy the "Too embarassed to go to the doc" thing. Or this "He can't help it" thing. Of course he can. He can stop looking at the pictures and take up knitting or needlepoint, or even a shovel and do some hard manual labour, or something else just to keep his hands occupied. And he can "man up" and try understanding other people, and realize why they think he is a pervert (because his behaviour IS aberrant AND abhorrent), and stop whingeing about his own situation. And then he can go and voluntarily seek help. Nothing stopping him. Apart from the fact that he is making excuses, excuses, excuses. And doing NOTHING.


You should try having cervical cancer for embarassment, Halororor, lest you think I know not of what I speak. Except you couldn't because you're a guy, but I have had it. Now try Googling what the common wisdom says is the cause of it. Yeah, sleeping around from an early age. Well, I know I didn't do that, but doing the calculations in my head, I thought that the embarassment and censoriousness was well worth braving rather than letting the cancer spread into the body of the uterus and being a certain goner.

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Well, I believe peadophilia is just as much an issue of sexual orientation as homosexuality ....



Are you saying paedophilia is on par with or like, or of the same nature as homosexuality ?

What I'm really hearing is that Paedophilia is just another type of sexual orientation like the others.


Can you just imagine people thinking:

Hmmm, let me see, what should I be, a heterosexual, maybe a bisexual, what a bout a homosexual, nah, I reckon i'm gonna go for the paedophile orientation.

Hey c'mon you know it's just another one of those things.

Have you lost it !!!!!!!!!!!


As a former bisexual I take great issue with your statement that homosexuality can even begin to be compared with such filth.

My mothering and nurturing instincts would have me slitting throats if ever I had to run into the Annual Paeodophile Conference or

whatever else such sicko's might invent.

Edited by Nintii
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It's like saying "rapist" is a sexual orientation.






This morale equivalency mindset is totally wacked. Consenting adults, Gay or straight has nothing in common with pedophilia and I don't think having it is something that anyone can cure. It's an attraction. It's a desire. I don't know where it comes from, but I know that it can be controlled. If not, then we would be hearing a lot more instances of Child Molestation. Those people who act upon it aren't mentally ill and need to be talked to. They are criminals that make a conscience decision to act upon their desires. In a nutshell, they don't care.


Heck, I'm heterosexual and I've met several women in my time that I'd have loved to snatch up, but I didn't, because I respected them and really didn't want to end up in jail. This link to a person asking for help is ludicrous

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No, I don´t live in the middle ages, I live in Denmark. Chemical castration is just a pill, if you stop taking the you will have your sexual functions back again. It is voluntary, btw. Take the pill, or stay in jail. Yes a pedophile do have rights, but also don´t forget he/she is the violater, after all.


I apologize, I didn't mean any offense by it. I was under the impression the chemical castration is irreversible.




But you cannot really compare cervical cancer, a life threatening disease, to pedophilia, a mental disorder. Besides that, people might judge a girl for sleeping around from a young age, but I wouldn't even begin to say it's the same as when people know you're a pedophile. Pedophiles are probably the most hated people around, right up there with terrorists, so if someone were to find out he's a pedophile, it would be much worse than if someone were suspected of sleeping around. I'm not trying to debunk your argument, just trying to put it in perspective.


In a sense, I am in agreement with you on it, this person really has to go seek help, but I also understand his apprehension for not doing so. Remember, we are all just humans, and no matter what we might claim, self-preservation is still one of the top priorities on any human's list. If we could perhaps start showing support to these people, not for their horrible urges, but for finding themselves professional help, they might feel more comfortable and encouraged in getting professional help.


Are you saying paedophilia is on par with or like, or of the same nature as homosexuality ?

What I'm really hearing is that Paedophilia is just another type of sexual orientation like the others.


Not me, it is widely accepted by the scientific, medical and psychology community as well. Have you even read my further replies in the thread?!


Can you just imagine people thinking:

Hmmm, let me see, what should I be, a heterosexual, maybe a bisexual, what a bout a homosexual, nah, I reckon i'm gonna go for the paedophile orientation.

Hey c'mon you know it's just another one of those things.

Have you lost it !!!!!!!!!!!


Are you serious? You do know more and more research is proving that sexual orientation is something you're born with and not something you choose. To suggest somebody sits around and just decides on a sexual preference is about as ridiculous as claiming unicorns are real.


As a former bisexual


Lol, no you weren't.


Sexual preference is a term. To claim that pedophilia is a sexual preference doesn't imply that homosexuality is bad simply because it is also a sexual preference. No offense, but that's some twisted logic right there. The difference comes in with the fact that the sexual orientation, homosexuality, is an issue between two consenting adults. Pedophilia is a sexual orientation where the people involces one person who is underage, and therefore getting harmed by it. I don't see what's so difficult to understand about that, or why anyone would take issue with that.


It's like saying "rapist" is a sexual orientation.




Okay, let's break it down again. Rape, is a name for a crime. Pedophilia is a name for a mental disorder in which a person is attracted to young children. It's not the same thing at all.

Edited by Halororor
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Sexual orientation also has environmental influences. It has been statistically 'proven'.... (yeah, I hate statistics...) that children raised in a homosexual household, are more likely to end up with that sexual orientation themselves. There have also been arguments made, that since folks do not stick with the same lifestyle all of their lives, that there is indeed a 'choice' in there as well. (part of the argument against gay marriage.)
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Sexual orientation also has environmental influences. It has been statistically 'proven'.... (yeah, I hate statistics...) that children raised in a homosexual household, are more likely to end up with that sexual orientation themselves. There have also been arguments made, that since folks do not stick with the same lifestyle all of their lives, that there is indeed a 'choice' in there as well. (part of the argument against gay marriage.)


Indeed. One cannot deny the role that social conditioning plays in it, but I barely think that is anything more than a nudge. One does not simply 'decide' that he/she is going to be homosexual, otherwise the suicide rates amongst homosexual teens wouldn't be as high either. It often happens that people do make a choice in their sexuality, but that choice isn't to stop being homosexual, they only decide to repress any homosexual feelings further.


However, like in your example of the kid growing up with homosexual parents, somebody growing up in a certain environment might adapt to that environment as well, when he/she might not have done so if raised in another environment. It's a really difficult science.


One thing is certain, though. If someone claims to have been homosexual/bi, and suddenly one day decides not to be any longer, and that person can honestly claim there is no homosexual urges left, that person wasn't homosexual/bi to begin with. Then that person was bi-curious. Most children go through a bicurious stage in their lives, so it's not uncommon either.

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@ Halororor


Isn't that really the problem here, crime is no longer crime, and we are no longer responsible for our actions, why ?

Because we are sick, ill, we have a problem, it's not me you see, it's this condition that I have.

No, you're a criminal and I hope that when you get thrown into the slammer that you go from being Bobby to Betty.


I couldn't give a tinkers cuss, what the "latest thinking is on the subject", child molestation is fouler than a monkeys butt.


Paodophilia is NOT A SEXUAL ORIENTATION IT'S A CRIME and it's a CHOICE not a trait.

Let's follow your logic for a moment ... if paedophilia is a trait from birth, then so could all traits both good and bad

be linked to birth and then why are there such instituitions as courts, prisons and such concepts as law and order

in existance ?


They should then in reality be abolished because ultimately we're gonna find some kook who will try and trace your

"illness" back to an inherited gene and so it wont be your fault.

Logically then everyone in prison should be released back into society and be treated for their illnesses because how on earth

could we hold them responsible for "crimes" they committed when they are in actual fact "sicknesses".

What a travesty of justice, right ?


What utter rubbish.


My bisexuality, lesbianism, homosexuality which ever term you'd prefer, was a choice I made, I remember it clearly, I wasn't sitting next to

Suzie and suddenly started flushing because I got a glimse of her hot rear end or because we "clicked" as friends and took it further or

even because I was lonely.

I did it to rebel, hurt and sting my rigid overbearing parents and decided to buck the system.


And I quote you again...


"Pedophilia is a sexual orientation where the people involces one person who is underage, and therefore getting harmed by it. I don't see what's so difficult to understand about that, or why anyone would take issue with that".


Hello, ding dong, anyone home ... "... why would anyone take issue with that ... " did you just fall out of a tree ?



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