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Nintii, I'm not looking to pick a fight, but are you purposely missing my point?


Pedophilia is not the actual crime of sexually abusing a minor. It's not the 'latest thinking on the subject', unless you want to debunk the opinion of the majority of the scientific/medical/psychological experts. Pedophilia is the name of a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or adolescent has a sexual interest in children. If you still don't understand that, go take a look at the wikipedia page for pedophilia, and read all their citations. It's a pretty common misconception in the general public that pedophile means someone who has committed a sexual crime to a minor.


Not all pedophiles rape/abuse children. In fact, many live with it their whole lives and never do anything harmful to a child. Just because someone is a pedophile does not mean he is going to sexually abuse children.


Here is a quote from the wikipedia page that exactly details the misuse of the word pedophile, as you are using it:


In popular usage, pedophilia means any sexual interest in children or the act of child sexual abuse, often termed "pedophilic behavior."[2][10][17][18] For example, The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary states, "Pedophilia is the act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children."[19] This common use application also extends to the sexual interest in and abuse of pubescent or post-pubescent minors.[20][21] Researchers recommend that these imprecise uses be avoided,[20] as people who commit child sexual abuse commonly exhibit the disorder,[10][22][23] but some offenders do not meet the clinical diagnosis standards for pedophilia, and the clinical diagnosis standards pertain to prepubescents. Additionally, not all pedophiles actually commit such abuse.[24][25][26]


Take special note of the bolded sentence.


As for me, I'm done here. I think I've said pretty much everything I can say on the subject, so I'm done here. Because certain users don't seem to fully comprehend what I'm saying in my posts, I fear this might turn really ugly. I'll open a thread in the debates system sometime, where more people can see it and we can have a more rational and less emotionally-laden discussion on the topic. Sorry for totally hi-jacking your thread kvenchrist.


Thanks to everyone, though. While I didn't agree with everyone, and even less people probably agreed with me, it was refreshing that most of us were able to exchange our opinions in a civil and mature manner. :P

Edited by Halororor
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@ Halororor


Isn't that really the problem here, crime is no longer crime, and we are no longer responsible for our actions, why ?

Because we are sick, ill, we have a problem, it's not me you see, it's this condition that I have.

No, you're a criminal and I hope that when you get thrown into the slammer that you go from being Bobby to Betty.


I couldn't give a tinkers cuss, what the "latest thinking is on the subject", child molestation is fouler than a monkeys butt.


Paodophilia is NOT A SEXUAL ORIENTATION IT'S A CRIME and it's a CHOICE not a trait.

Let's follow your logic for a moment ... if paedophilia is a trait from birth, then so could all traits both good and bad

be linked to birth and then why are there such instituitions as courts, prisons and such concepts as law and order

in existance ?


They should then in reality be abolished because ultimately we're gonna find some kook who will try and trace your

"illness" back to an inherited gene and so it wont be your fault.

Logically then everyone in prison should be released back into society and be treated for their illnesses because how on earth

could we hold them responsible for "crimes" they committed when they are in actual fact "sicknesses".

What a travesty of justice, right ?


What utter rubbish.


My bisexuality, lesbianism, homosexuality which ever term you'd prefer, was a choice I made, I remember it clearly, I wasn't sitting next to

Suzie and suddenly started flushing because I got a glimse of her hot rear end or because we "clicked" as friends and took it further or

even because I was lonely.

I did it to rebel, hurt and sting my rigid overbearing parents and decided to buck the system.


And I quote you again...


"Pedophilia is a sexual orientation where the people involces one person who is underage, and therefore getting harmed by it. I don't see what's so difficult to understand about that, or why anyone would take issue with that".


Hello, ding dong, anyone home ... "... why would anyone take issue with that ... " did you just fall out of a tree ?





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Nintii, I'm not looking to pick a fight, but are you purposely missing my point?


Pedophilia is not the actual crime of sexually abusing a minor. It's not the 'latest thinking on the subject', unless you want to debunk the opinion of the majority of the scientific/medical/psychological experts. Pedophilia is the name of a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or adolescent has a sexual interest in children. If you still don't understand that, go take a look at the wikipedia page for pedophilia, and read all their citations. It's a pretty common misconception in the general public that pedophile means someone who has committed a sexual crime to a minor.


Not all pedophiles rape/abuse children. In fact, many live with it their whole lives and never do anything harmful to a child. Just because someone is a pedophile does not mean he is going to sexually abuse children.


Here is a quote from the wikipedia page that exactly details the misuse of the word pedophile, as you are using it:


In popular usage, pedophilia means any sexual interest in children or the act of child sexual abuse, often termed "pedophilic behavior."[2][10][17][18] For example, The American Heritage Stedman's Medical Dictionary states, "Pedophilia is the act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children."[19] This common use application also extends to the sexual interest in and abuse of pubescent or post-pubescent minors.[20][21] Researchers recommend that these imprecise uses be avoided,[20] as people who commit child sexual abuse commonly exhibit the disorder,[10][22][23] but some offenders do not meet the clinical diagnosis standards for pedophilia, and the clinical diagnosis standards pertain to prepubescents. Additionally, not all pedophiles actually commit such abuse.[24][25][26]


Take special note of the bolded sentence.


As for me, I'm done here. I think I've said pretty much everything I can say on the subject, so I'm done here. Because certain users don't seem to fully comprehend what I'm saying in my posts, I fear this might turn really ugly. I'll open a thread in the debates system sometime, where more people can see it and we can have a more rational and less emotionally-laden discussion on the topic. Sorry for totally hi-jacking your thread kvnchrist.


Thanks to everyone, though. While I didn't agree with everyone, and even less people probably agreed with me, it was refreshing that most of us were able to exchange our opinions in a civil and mature manner. :P


Those who disagreed with you, did so not out of ignorance of what you were saying. It was because we rejected your assumption that these people are not suffering from anything that is beyond their own control. This is not a sexual orientation and can not be removed through therapy. This assumption takes responsibility out of their hands and gives them an excuse for their actions. You didn't Hi-Jack my post, you allowed us to discuss some of the mindsets that some people have that at times actually facilitated some of these people.


Even those who only share pictures and never touch a child have been thrown in jail, for having illegal pictures on their computers. What truly is scary is that these people are everywhere and in every walk of life. They could be the Doctor that you take your kids to and the aunt you visit on Sundays.

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Not even all of them look at pictures, but nevermind. You are disagreeing out of ignorance, because you totally disregarded the core of what was said in my last post. I give you evidence to support what I'm saying, and you simply ignore it.


Pedophilia is not the actual crime of sexually abusing a minor or spreading child pornography.

Not all pedophiles are criminals.

Not all pedophiles take part in criminal activities.


Seeing as you are blatantly ignoring that, and seem to subscribe to the exact misconception set forth in my quote from wikipedia, I will just assume that any further attempts to get my point through to you will also fail, so me continuing here will only serve to waste my time further. I tried patching things up in my last post, but I honestly can't work with such ignorance if the members taking part int he debate just simply ignore most of what I say. You subscribe to generalizations and only halfway understand the entire issue, and you show no signs of wanting to understand it better, so I'll just take intelligent debate elsewhere.

Edited by Halororor
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Not even all of them look at pictures, but nevermind. You are disagreeing out of ignorance, because you totally disregarded the core of what was said in my last post. I give you evidence to support what I'm saying, and you simply ignore it.


Pedophilia is not the actual crime of sexually abusing a minor or spreading child pornography.

Not all pedophiles are criminals.

Not all pedophiles take part in criminal activities.


Seeing as you are blatantly ignoring that, and seem to subscribe to the exact misconception set forth in my quote from wikipedia, I will just assume that any further attempts to get my point through to you will also fail, so me continuing here will only serve to waste my time further. I tried patching things up in my last post, but I honestly can't work with such ignorance if the members taking part int he debate just simply ignore most of what I say. You subscribe to generalizations and only halfway understand the entire issue, and you show no signs of wanting to understand it better, so I'll just take intelligent debate elsewhere.


You are disagreeing with me out of arrogance.I didn't ignore anything other than you trying to tell me how dumb you think I am. What you have is opinions. They might be backed up by myriads of professionals, but what you don't take into account is that they might be guessing themselves. It is not beyond the realm of possibility. All you have to do is look at the variety of theories out there for everything under the Sun.


As for wikipeda, the errors and faulty logic found in there are legendary

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You are disagreeing with me out of arrogance.I didn't ignore anything other than you trying to tell me how dumb you think I am. What you have is opinions. They might be backed up by myriads of professionals, but what you don't take into account is that they might be guessing themselves. It is not beyond the realm of possibility. All you have to do is look at the variety of theories out there for everything under the Sun.


How is the definition of a word opinion?!

And even better, how is scientific proof that not all pedophiles are child abusers opinion?!

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You are disagreeing with me out of arrogance.I didn't ignore anything other than you trying to tell me how dumb you think I am. What you have is opinions. They might be backed up by myriads of professionals, but what you don't take into account is that they might be guessing themselves. It is not beyond the realm of possibility. All you have to do is look at the variety of theories out there for everything under the Sun.


How is the definition of a word opinion?!

And even better, how is scientific proof that not all pedophiles are child abusers opinion?!


I think part of the problem here is, when folks are referring to pedo's, they reference CONVICTED peds..... those that have actually taken some action in pursuit of their desire. I think we can all agree this is a bad thing?


For those that "just look at pictures", and do whatever..... ya gotta keep in mind, someone has to MAKE those pictures..... I haven't met a little girl yet, that has told me she wants to be a porn star before she hits puberty.....


For my part, ANYONE that would take sexual advantage of a child, deserves to be taken out of circulation. Permanently. Be it prison, or a hole in the ground. End Of Problem.

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You are disagreeing with me out of arrogance.I didn't ignore anything other than you trying to tell me how dumb you think I am. What you have is opinions. They might be backed up by myriads of professionals, but what you don't take into account is that they might be guessing themselves. It is not beyond the realm of possibility. All you have to do is look at the variety of theories out there for everything under the Sun.


How is the definition of a word opinion?!

And even better, how is scientific proof that not all pedophiles are child abusers opinion?!



Did I say that all pedophiles are abusers. You don't need to have scientific proof to know that not all pedophiles are abusers. All you need to do is look at google how many people who are in jail, right now, for getting caught with pictures of little girls to see that. These people don't act upon their urges, but they certainly become they audience that gives those who do make child pornography an incentive to make more of these videos.


Look at the child modeling industry, for instance. It is a booming industry, that makes millions of dollars


webe web

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I think part of the problem here is, when folks are referring to pedo's, they reference CONVICTED peds..... those that have actually taken some action in pursuit of their desire. I think we can all agree this is a bad thing?


For those that "just look at pictures", and do whatever..... ya gotta keep in mind, someone has to MAKE those pictures..... I haven't met a little girl yet, that has told me she wants to be a porn star before she hits puberty.....


For my part, ANYONE that would take sexual advantage of a child, deserves to be taken out of circulation. Permanently. Be it prison, or a hole in the ground. End Of Problem.


That's exactly my point right from the start. I was never defending the sex offenders, I was defending those who aren't sexual offenders. Not even all pedophiles look at pictures of naked children. Some people around here seem to think that all pedophiles are sex offenders.


Did I say that all pedophiles are abusers. You don't need to have scientific proof to know that not all pedophiles are abusers. All you need to do is look at google how many people who are in jail, right now, for getting caught with pictures of little girls to see that. These people don't act upon their urges, but they certainly become they audience that gives those who do make child pornography an incentive to make more of these videos.


Look at the child modeling industry, for instance. It is a booming industry, that makes millions of dollars


webe web


Then what exactly was the problem? And looking at pictures of little children is definitely acting on your urges. Look at my reply to HeyYou just above here. I've been saying all along that not all pedophiles are sexual offenders, and that includes looking at pictures of little children.


Also, not all pedophiles even support the child modelling industry. You can't blame it's existence on pedophiles. The biggest abuse that occurs in the child modelling industry is the parents who abuse their children by putting them through that in the first place.

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