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How do I fit in here?


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I'm interested in discussing modding, and this seems like a good place to do so. However, I've heard (hopefully false) rumors that the mods here tend to be on the aggressive side. I was wondering if someone could give me some advice as to how to not offend anyone while still enjoying these forums.


I didn't know where this post was supposed to go, so I put it here instead.

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I'm interested in discussing modding, and this seems like a good place to do so.

It is a wonderful place to hang out, learn and share.


However, I've heard (hopefully false) rumors that the mods here tend to be on the aggressive side.

Nope, it is very-much true. We aggressively protect our members from abuse. We aggressively cleanse these boards of all pirates, thieves and otherwise law-breaking scum that we can identify.


I was wondering if someone could give me some advice as to how to not offend anyone while still enjoying these forums.

The golden rule of acting towards people how you want to be treated. Also, NEVER post if you feel your emotions swelling inside. You almost always regret it later (sometimes forcefully).


Here are some reading material about how this site operates:



Places of interest to modders (you did not say which game)



I didn't know where this post was supposed to go, so I put it here instead.

Congrats, it was a very appropriately-placed post!


Have fun,

LHammonds (File Admin)

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