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Quakecon Character Screenshots


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iron armor maybe :confused:

Could be.


Supposed by the shoulder pads, I think it's Orcish armor.

Hmm... Another possibility.



I like the weathered and damaged look of armor. Kinda hope that when you repair/create/upgrade(?) it changes it. I don't expect to have a mirror finish, but it would be nice to have newish looking armor textures.

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Just so all my fellow screenshot hunters know .. There are four argonians.. 1up,Distrutoid,Gamesradar and Morgan Webb said on Feedback that she played as one and that she was told she would get her picture when they are released .. So that leaves two Argonians left to be found .. Gamesradar and Morgan Webb's


Also .. That Image looks a little blown up .. Not as high res as the others .. Not sure if that is the HQ version :<

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