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Quakecon Character Screenshots


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SHe has the same armor as the others I saw! Bethesda must only have one set of armor in this game or something. Same goes for the orc just above.

My theory is that first off, naturally these are all starting characters from the 1-hour hands-on demo these people played...of course they haven't acquired better armor yet. And two, I don't see Bethesda giving away what their cooler armor is going to look like yet anyway, spoils the fun.

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SHe has the same armor as the others I saw! Bethesda must only have one set of armor in this game or something. Same goes for the orc just above.

My theory is that first off, naturally these are all starting characters from the 1-hour hands-on demo these people played...of course they haven't acquired better armor yet. And two, I don't see Bethesda giving away what their cooler armor is going to look like yet anyway, spoils the fun.

Yeah I have to agree with everyone saying it's early armor. Think about oblivion? For the first like 8 levels you don't see anything above steel armor. With them merging the chest and leg(Cuirass & Greave) they can have more variations and more armor. Considering TES games have always been gathering "things", this can only make everything more interesting.
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Okay .. I REALLY want that final Argonian screenshot and gamesradar isn't posting it ~_~ .. The reporter's name was Matthew Keast is anyone can find his blog or something .. Ive had no luck .. This is one of the reasons I don't go to gamesradar .. They use way to many reporters and most of them are completely unprofessional.. sorry .. I just want me Argonian screen xD lols
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I am quite amazed that you can create characters like this. Yay for no more clay mannequins of Oblivion!



thanks. I hacked his website and got the high res version

This is going in my sig if you don't mind! :biggrin:

Edited by Omeletter
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hq version


I am SO glad that they went with a different direction with the Orsimer/Orcs. In Oblivion most of the Orcs looked like cousins of Shrek that had a serious allergy to peanuts and had been eating peanut butter all day. But they're no longer lime-green and "ugly for the wrong reasons" like everyone else in Oblivion. Sure Orcs are ugly, but not even they deserved to be that ugly. ;)

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