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GOAT Test Question


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When I finish the scene where I take the GOAT test, I keep getting the same job reguardless of answers.Either it's Shift Supervisor (ie: Overseer Underling) or,with the mod GOAT Answer Changes -Tweaked I get Marriage Counselor.


I've been following the wiki and other guides to try and get "Clinical Test Subject" but with no luck. Is there a specific question that sets the job reguardless of other answers(question 1), or is there a particular order to guarantee the desired result?

Edited by yk0520
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What you get as a result of the G.O.A.T. depends on the skill you're best at. What you choose for your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. will also affect your skill levels. if different jobs is all you're looking for, make your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. as even as possible and differ your answers accordingly.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the suggestions. I've tried them out but with the answers you listed,I got Pipboy Programmer as the job.


When I asked the teacher to change the answers, the tagged skills that came up were the ones for Clinical Test Subject (Medicine,Science,Speech) which means I got the job I wanted for my character.


I'm starting to think there's an bug somewhere that's preventing Brotch's dialogue for Clinical Test Subject ('....looks like you and your dad will be working together..") from coming up. Anyone else run into this,and if so, is there a way to correct it?

Edited by yk0520
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I didn't think this "test" even mattered because once you start playing the game you're too busy shooting ghouls, dogs, mole rats, etc. to think about what your "job" is supposed to be.


I normally select the response to skip the test and then make adjustments to SPECIAL right before I leave the Vault.

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