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Cannot save at this time Bug

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I played through the game with the 1.1 patch and had no save file issues whatsoever. Now with 1.3 (and recently 1.35) I'm at a point where doing any kind of meditation causes the game to go into a state where I can't save at all. I had encountered this issue occasionally prior to this point and restarting the game appeared to make it go away. I've been playing for a while since I did a lot of the side quests first and now I'm just before the Kyran fight. I drink the Mongoose potion and then try to save before the battle and it just doesn't work.


Anyone else having save issues and if so, are there any workarounds?


This is unfortunately a showstopper for me. :(



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Do you mean that you can`t save at all or that you go too far and then the cutscene starts to play ?


I can't save at all. I've played for a while before when the game has been in this state and not even autosaves appear to work. The manual save option is not available via the menu either. It acts like you are in combat when that is obviously not the case (since you couldn't meditate then either).


I've done some Googling and have seen this issue reported by others but figured this was the best place to see if someone has found a workaround or fix for it. It seems to have been reported as early as the 1.2 patch.


The problem itself may not be directly related to the meditation features (alchemy, drinking potions, etc); I only know that for this instance of the problem it always appears for me (i.e. it is reproducable). I drink my potion, return to normal play and then can't do any saves. Past experience has shown that the problem doesn't appear to go away without doing a reload.


I can provide a save file if needed. I am using 3 or 4 mods but all of them appear pretty minor and I can't imagine they would have any impact on save files.



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Some things you might try make sure that you run as admin also check by right clicking gamesave properties to make sure that everything in the security tab is checked except for special permissions . If all is ok there then rename your gamesaves folder to gamesaves.old and create a new folder and name it to gamesaves and copy and paste (do not move) a few of the autosaves and or manual saves to it but not any quicksaves and then retry the game and see if saving works .
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Some possible things to try or check:


1. Your current game file may have a corruption, try reloading an earlier saved file and see if you can save while playing that one.

2. Check If your disk full or close to full (or extremely fragmented or have bad sectors)

3. When you installed the game and updated with the patches, did you remove all mods and turn off your anti-virus before installing? If not, you may have picked up some errors.

4. Try running virus check just to make sure your system isn't compromised by some sneaky trojan or other nasty.

5. Try a cold reboot of your system (completely turn off all power, then turn everything back on).


Thats about it that I can think of at the moment.

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I got into a discussion with someone over at the main Witcher forums on this problem a couple of days ago.


He solved it by going through these steps:

- rename your gamesaves folder to something else (e.g. gamesaves-old)

- create a new gamesaves folder

- copy all of your save games into it EXCEPT for QuickSav.sav and its bmp file.

Try again.


If your problem is the same, I think that it's a permissions issue, possibly due to running as admin. The game literally can't save the game - it has no write permission.


If your last QuickSav is important to you, try copying it over too, but only after you've tested without it being there.

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I'll try some of the suggestions...thanks for that.


However, I'd be really surprised if it is a permissions issue. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough in my other posts but the sequence I'm facing right now is:


1. I can save using quick save or whatever.

2. I drink a couple of potions.

3. I am no longer able to save.


A save file corruption is a possibility. The 1.3.5 hotfix installation may also have inadvertently messed something up since I didn't remove the mods prior to install. However, I'm almost positive I was seeing the problem before I installed the hotfix.



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It does sound like files or directories are getting locked and then not unlocking, but it is weird.


You say that it's permanent after you meditate? What happens with the autosaves? Does it just not do it, or does it give an error message?


Did you install/update using Run as Administrator, and is it still set that way? Try the opposite to whatever it is now.


Worst case, yes, I'd try a reinstall. Copy out your current saves and then delete the Witcher 2 directory in Documents first. After reinstalling, copy back the individual files, not the directory itself, and don't copy back the QuickSav until after you've tested it.


(I'm reluctant to advise reinstalling if you're a Steam user with a slow download speed though. This could take a long time.)

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Well, I removed the game and deleted all related files. After re-installing it auto-patched back up to 1.3 and I re-installed the mods I was using. I loaded up an older save file (it was at the time when Triss helps to get the Kyran mucus and after you need to make the Mongoose potion) and proceeded from there. I ultimately ended up with the same problem.


I've given up on this for now and uninstalled the game. I'll try again in a year or two and hope that a playthrough at that time doesn't encounter the same problem again. My feeling is this must be a bug that was introduced with 1.2 since I played through the entire game without any problems with 1.1. Another possibility is the mods I was using somehow caused it but I'm skeptical about that. The game gets into a state where it thinks you aren't allowed to save and it therefore doesn't let you.


Thanks again for the suggestions.



Edited by bernout1
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What mods were you using?

Did you try it without the mods?


(Sorry, as most users are NOT encountering this problem, don't you think that may be a more likely cause than the game itself?)

Edited by dragonbird
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