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Did steam just throw in another update?


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Strangest thing, I went to launch my game through the 4GB exe (thereby bypassing the steam loader) but I got connected to the steam loader anyways. I shut that down, started again through the 4GB loader and this time it started as usual but I could tell right away that my Ini files had been changed. (Because the darnUI fallout boy icon was really big on the loading screen.) Sure enough, the fallout INI in documents/mygames and the steamapps/etc. folder had been set back to read-only and the [Fonts} section was set back to vanilla. (Though the uinterior/uexterior cells and ipreload size limit tweaks I'd made had been preserved.)


When I got the steam loader, there was no indication of an update (game or client) happening. I checked the update history in Steam and there's no reference to any update, and I didn't think steam client updates went so far as to change the ini files.


Not a huge deal, I'm just a bit confused.


And the silver lining being that I was reminded that when I reinstalled steam a week or so ago I'd forgotten to set update preferences to avoid automatic updates (fixed).

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I've noticed something odd along those lines as well. Sometimes Configator gets reset to default for no apparent reason. I thought that verifying my cache might have triggered that but it seems not consistently at least. When I checked the properties on my FalloutNV saves folders the read only boxes have blue squares in them rather than checks but obviously the saves are still getting through and the .inis are occasionally getting over-written. Not a big deal either but just odd.


Having auto-update disabled in Steam didn't prevent Steam from auto-updating me to 1.4 either!

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Strangest thing, I went to launch my game through the 4GB exe (thereby bypassing the steam loader)

fnv4gb from silverclock.org


still starts up steam.


its just a little less loud about it.

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Yeah, I guess I realized (once I thought about it for a moment) that steam always has to load so it was the autoupdate feature that probably caught me.


Same thing actually just happened again a couple minutes ago. Even though I had "no auto update" selected this time around, and although the [fonts] section was untouched this time (as were my other ini tweaks), the INIs were reset back to read only.


edit: actually happened 2 more times, so 4 in total. The readme thing caused major problems for awhile but luckily I'm on the road to recovery.

Edited by kevkiev
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