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The retail uses Steam? Although I feel for everyone who doesn't like Steam, I'm glad I'll at least be able to get the boxed version and still own it on Steam, so here's my take on the matter:



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Also i think in the end, STEAM would kill all local game stores, in our store where i live there are small walls/shelvs with latest games for every kind consle and so on and big ones for all the "second games(old ones)".

Why go there to buy if i can buy the game through STEAM and cut out the middle man. This in the end i think will only hurt TES.

Also if im only allowed to play games under some certain circumstances(internet up, STEAM is working and on and on) and i cant sell my old games or even give them away?

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One thing I just don't get, even though I've googled extensively and googled the steam forums for issues regarding New Vegas's update problems, the only place I could find anything about New Vegas updating regardless of the auto-update settings on Steam, is right here, on the Nexus forums. Nowhere else can I see anyone else having that issue, and if users are having it, certainly there would be at least one post about it on the Steam forums? It's just fishy, is all.
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One thing I just don't get, even though I've googled extensively and googled the steam forums for issues regarding New Vegas's update problems, the only place I could find anything about New Vegas updating regardless of the auto-update settings on Steam, is right here, on the Nexus forums. Nowhere else can I see anyone else having that issue, and if users are having it, certainly there would be at least one post about it on the Steam forums? It's just fishy, is all.


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Also i think in the end, STEAM would kill all local game stores, in our store where i live there are small walls/shelvs with latest games for every kind consle and so on and big ones for all the "second games(old ones)".

Why go there to buy if i can buy the game through STEAM and cut out the middle man. This in the end i think will only hurt TES.

Also if im only allowed to play games under some certain circumstances(internet up, STEAM is working and on and on) and i cant sell my old games or even give them away?

In America there's only one video game store, Gamestop. Killed or bought everything else so only Gamestop remains. guess what people hate that too! So people don't like drm or retail go figure. Sounds to me that people like b$&@hing about everything.

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One thing I just don't get, even though I've googled extensively and googled the steam forums for issues regarding New Vegas's update problems, the only place I could find anything about New Vegas updating regardless of the auto-update settings on Steam, is right here, on the Nexus forums. Nowhere else can I see anyone else having that issue, and if users are having it, certainly there would be at least one post about it on the Steam forums? It's just fishy, is all.



for ur sample to reflect correct results u must remove all links that is newer then the originally threed here on NEXUS ;)

Edited by lgvlgv
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Hmm, just found this one, which seems to be the only one related to New Vegas.




Edit: Ooh, and this one then http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1766706.


Seems my google-fu is a little rusty, so disregard my previous post. :P



And yeah, that brings up very little info on the issue. It's like you didn't even bother to check your own lmgtfy. :/

Edited by Halororor
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Also i think in the end, STEAM would kill all local game stores, in our store where i live there are small walls/shelvs with latest games for every kind consle and so on and big ones for all the "second games(old ones)".

Why go there to buy if i can buy the game through STEAM and cut out the middle man. This in the end i think will only hurt TES.

Also if im only allowed to play games under some certain circumstances(internet up, STEAM is working and on and on) and i cant sell my old games or even give them away?

In America there's only one video game store, Gamestop. Killed or bought everything else so only Gamestop remains. guess what people hate that too! So people don't like drm or retail go figure. Sounds to me that people like b$&@hing about everything.

well there days are soon up to ;) when all things require STEAM there will be no reason to buy ur game at the shop.

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One thing I just don't get, even though I've googled extensively and googled the steam forums for issues regarding New Vegas's update problems, the only place I could find anything about New Vegas updating regardless of the auto-update settings on Steam, is right here, on the Nexus forums. Nowhere else can I see anyone else having that issue, and if users are having it, certainly there would be at least one post about it on the Steam forums? It's just fishy, is all.



for ur sample to reflect correct results u must remove all links that is newer then the originally threed here on NEXUS ;)


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