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Whoa. Just saw the new multiplayer trailer.


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Yes, this trailer does show some quite promising things in the very near future. The fact that they are actually managing to put jets on consoles says that DICE is serious about being the top-dog this fall (at least in terms of FPS, because I'm certain most of us can agree Skyrim will definitely be up there), and that they will do whatever it takes to do so. Not trying to express fanboyism when I say this, but from what I've seen over the last couple of months, *ahem* certain competitors will likely crumple if they fail as hard as they did on November 9th last year *ahem* moving on...


Totally stoked to play this game and to think there are going to be 64-players on the PC Version o_O only makes me want to play it even more, the battles will be just absolutely epic (as in any Battlefield game). I was just wondering if anyone else here played the Alpha? (by the way, the Alpha was really awesome, I can't really say anything since the NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) does not expire, until the game releases of course :P ).

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I had already pre-ordered the Limited Edition the day the announced it, but I am not going to cancel my pre-order just because EA's Origins is offering the Physical Warfare Package, the Back To Karkland is enough incentive for me to keep my existing pre-order. Oh, I do have to go back and upgrade to collector's Edition of Skyrim. ;)
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