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Nexus redesign finalised, launching next week


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I do like the redesign. Nice and compact. Only thing is I have to redo my description image Titles from rectangular to square a they are cut in half at the moment. But I like the layout overall, it just will take a little getting used to.
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Sometimes it is easier and more effective to redesign that it is to upgrade and try to fix.


With change comes new features and opportunities. To put it in perspective, the sites are inefficient as they are. The new design has it's code optimized and is much more efficient, ergo there is more that can be done with the same assets. The more efficient the sites are the less it costs to operate the sites, these savings translate into better faster servers, more servers, etc.


The only constant in life is change, get used to it as there is little if anything that you can do to stop change. So accept and embrace the change, in a few months you will not miss what you have now.


Ask yourself this, are you using the first computer you ever bought ? If not why ?


Now you know the reasons why the sites are evolving and changing, stagnation is death in the technology driven services.



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I am angry that these forums have no "CAKE!" emoticon.

Well, there's an image tag, for what it's worth.



Sometimes it is easier and more effective to redesign that it is to upgrade and try to fix.


With change comes new features and opportunities. To put it in perspective, the sites are inefficient as they are. The new design has it's code optimized and is much more efficient, ergo there is more that can be done with the same assets. The more efficient the sites are the less it costs to operate the sites, these savings translate into better faster servers, more servers, etc.


The only constant in life is change, get used to it as there is little if anything that you can do to stop change. So accept and embrace the change, in a few months you will not miss what you have now.


Ask yourself this, are you using the first computer you ever bought ? If not why ?


Now you know the reasons why the sites are evolving and changing, stagnation is death in the technology driven services.



Well put, good sir. Yeah, it may take some time to get used to all the changes, but in the long run the optimizations will be well worth it.

Edited by sangheili1024
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could you consider expending the forums with a writers thread where people could post their stories one for each game, if been a lot on the old HOMEWORLD forums and the lounge as it was called was filled with good fiction ( i sorta wroe my own ).

as it is now the writers thread is a bit blurry becuase its fiction from dragon age, the withcer fallout 3-new vegas( wich i can hardly find ) and other fiction


in my oppinion if there is a forum for specific games in their own section than people might be more wiling to post ( if i would know my fiction can be found then i would want to write -- also if their is more writing and good crazy ideas in the fiction then people can read it and they could come up with some good ideas for mods or even colabarate together to make a good story mod )


MORE and organized fiction would Feul the community and make it much longer lasting and a whole lot more fun .

even know while posting this ife got two new ideas for a new fiction


if you make this happen ill be a loyal poster in that forum like probably many others are

THis ( the NEXUS ) is going to be here for a while as forums from Bethesda might delete their forums content like waht happend to the HOMEWORLD FORUMS lang ago ( dont know if beteshda is like that but its a possibilty



if this is a bit blurry i just woke up so sorry

Edited by bronco668
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