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The Asylum from Bloodlines help


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ive been playing Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines for a few years, on and off and each time is ever so much fun.


Ever since the discovery of the modderbility of Fallout, its been one of my desires to recreate such a place in Fallout with Vampires and what ever.


I understand there is already a VtMB based mod but this is my own project I have been messing about with.


I even already created a basic Nosferatu based race using the modder's resources on the Nexus... I will get a Screenshot up asap.


What I need help with is recreating the Interior of the Asylum from Scratch.


by comparing the resources used to make Gommorah, Im pretty damn sure its possible to create a near likeness of The Asylum. I can even recreate the same posters used in game by taking screenshots and recreating them.


My expertise in making interiors is copying existing ones and editing them, not making new ones from scratch but I am trying.


Just how on Earth do you create a new Interior from scratch anyway? I see no Right click and add new anywhere.


Thank you.



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