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First Console Game Machine


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heh this bring back memories. first console was an atari 600xl. still have it sitin in my closet in the box lol. it could use cartridges and had a external 5.25 floppy drive and a top of the line external 14.4k baud modem.


i remember the first game i played on it was called Encounter.

Edited by Rendalli
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Ditto on the 2600. I loved the crap out of my old Atari. My favorite game overall on it was probably Frostbite, which had some of the best graphics the machine was capable of at its time. That game was brilliant. I also liked Dolphin, Megamania, and Haunted House a lot.


My favorite game on any of the older consoles though was Nightstalker on Intellivision. Of any of the older games, it is probably the most intense game I can remember. It's still fun. And it's still hard as hell.


Agreed on Haunted House - and like you and the OP, I too started with an Atari 2600 - and mine still works!

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I feel rather embarassed admitting this but... my first gaming console was actually the Nintendo Wii. :confused:


Yes, yes, I know. However, before you start to laugh at me, hear me out.


I was a computer gamer long before I got the Wii. I had a computer to game on (DOS - Dark Forces, anyone?), and all of my friends had the "cool" consoles (N64, Play Station, Xbox, etc.), so I never really had a use for a console. :thumbsup:

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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  • 4 weeks later...

The original Playstation , i never bothered with consoles until i saw a Formula one 1996, and that was it i bought the console so i could race, got a copy of Soviet strike at the same time and one of the best games ever in Exhumed .


Nowadays i use all platforms for 1st person gaming and for the Elder scrolls Morrowind, oblivion and soon Skyrim .

Edited by sphinx7410
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my first console was sega saturn....and I do remember about castelvania and alien 3 and sonic.....the rest no clue.....
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