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Gaming in 2011


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The face of ("mainstream") gaming in 2011... sigh... I think this picture very well describes it. This picture of course doesn't include Skyrim.



(Ignore the "We hope you like looking down gunsights.")

Edited by Omeletter
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Well, how else are they supposed to do gun sights? Zoom the view a little like they did in the old school FPSes? This is a rather piss-poor representation of nothing, as none of those games, except MW3 and BF3, looks anything like the other.


This pic would be like taking screenshots of the driver's view cam in all the racing titles and saying "we hope you like seeing steering wheels lololol".

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It's not about gun sights.. I have to agree this picture kinda messes up what I wanted to show. This picture shows FPS... 2011's gaming was mostly FPS'. It seems to me that the gaming is technically going backwards at some points. Remember games in general ten years ago? How each year games advanced graphically, technically and gameplay-wise each year? Back then there were traditional RPG's, Shooters like Doom, and strategies like Starcraft 1, etc. Now we have near-realistic graphics and a ton of FPS'. To me 2012 will have even more FPS for the public to play. There is no inspiration, or something new that major corporations can do. It's all FPS' they are after. Edited by Omeletter
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if you look at gameplay video of dead island its more RPG then FPS. i think most of the combat is done with melee and you have to save ammo for the bosses.


rage and prey aren't supposed to be stereotypical shooters.

Edited by hector530
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