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Mod Anticipation


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This isn't so much an anticipation for a mod as for a creation kit feature, but I really hope they make custom magic effects (both spells and enchantments) easier and cleaner to implement this time around.


Also, a possible enchantment system overhaul, dependent on how it's actually implemented:


- Constant Effect enchantments on weapons. Because enchantments are now separate from spell effects this should be trivial to make work properly.


- Enchantment strength depending on three things: Your Enchant skill, the size of the soul(s) being used, and the inherent "enchant score" in the item. (Unless they made the creation kit really flexible, this last part will probably be impossible unless they include support for it from the get-go. Still, one can dream...)


- Re-enchanting: The ability to add on new enchantments to an old enchanted item, and remove them from an existing item without destroying it.


- Finally, a "trophy" system: Let the soul gem keep a record of whose souls are inside, and let the enchanted items the souls go into record them as well. Alberic Litte pissed me off and now he's living inside my shoes: I want the game to recognize this explicitly. Even let me have the ability to "waste" a soul by putting it into an enchanted item with no effect other than listing that person's soul on it as well. I wanna wear a badass evil amulet with the souls of my fallen enemies trapped inside!



EDIT: Oh, also, a conversion of Adonnay's Elven Weaponry to Skyrim. I can't wait to see what kinds of awesome weapons and armor the modding community will eventually put out for the new game but, for now, his warblades are the most beautiful weapons anywhere EVER.


EDIT 2: How could I forget? Vampire clans! I'd be very surprised if they're in the vanilla game, and it always disappointed me there was nothing to do story-wise as a vampire in Oblivion other than doing the quest to not be a vampire anymore. Also, Lycanthropy + similar Lycanthrope faction, even though I personally don't really like werewolf characters. But plenty of people do, so it should be in the game in some form.

Edited by Alcrin
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- Finally, a "trophy" system: Let the soul gem keep a record of whose souls are inside, and let the enchanted items the souls go into record them as well. Alberic Litte pissed me off and now he's living inside my shoes: I want the game to recognize this explicitly. Even let me have the ability to "waste" a soul by putting it into an enchanted item with no effect other than listing that person's soul on it as well. I wanna wear a badass evil amulet with the souls of my fallen enemies trapped inside!


^^ This


I can't see why that would be particularly hard to mod in. Although you might have to code it... Hell, you'd have to code it, but you'd just need to perform a quick operation every time you trapped a soul. Might be hard for individual items though... Now that I think about it, it would just be very hard :ohdear: Forget that I posted this

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I can't see why that would be particularly hard to mod in. Although you might have to code it... Hell, you'd have to code it, but you'd just need to perform a quick operation every time you trapped a soul. Might be hard for individual items though... Now that I think about it, it would just be very hard :ohdear: Forget that I posted this


Well, I'm no modder, but if I were I'd try to implement it something like this:


Implement a simple map of item references to lists of strings. A soul gem's reference in the map is tied to a soul or list of souls contained within the gem. Upon enchanting, recharging, and "wasting", the strings are moved from the soulgem reference to the target item's reference, afterward purging the empty reference of the soul gem to avoid bloat. Pre-enchanted magic items found out an about simply have an empty reference to start with. Upon a mouseover or some other access of an indexed item in the inventory screen, possibly subject to user definition, a simple formatted list of strings the item reference refers to within the map is displayed.


Given this system it probably wouldn't be too hard to replace the name strings with creature references instead (using the creature's name as the string during display using normal methods of reference), so you can even easily do things like summon the ghost of someone trapped inside so you can laugh at their misfortune more directly.

Edited by Alcrin
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I want something like a writable Diary that was in an Oblivion mod. Don't laugh. Nah I kid, it made me feel more into my character when that was there.


I love roleplaying things like this ^ .. its why I'm one of the few people who really like the marriage options in skyrim.. I would like to see a good body mod that will still work with default clothing .. not cause I want the nude mode but because I want the fantastic clothing mods that always require them.. then I end up with broken default clothing untill someone replaces them all .. or with the male bodies no one ever does the clothing replacments so I end up with a good male body with ruined clothing "cause men only want to wear armor I guess" pfft.. but I guess I'm talking about fallout here .. fingers crossed I dont go through this again

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I want something like a writable Diary that was in an Oblivion mod. Don't laugh. Nah I kid, it made me feel more into my character when that was there.


That was half the reason I was so excited about the special EB games deal. They give you a Skyrim themed hard cover journal, so I'm going to do it by hand and everything :D

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I want something like a writable Diary that was in an Oblivion mod. Don't laugh. Nah I kid, it made me feel more into my character when that was there.


I love roleplaying things like this ^ .. its why I'm one of the few people who really like the marriage options in skyrim.. I would like to see a good body mod that will still work with default clothing .. not cause I want the nude mode but because I want the fantastic clothing mods that always require them.. then I end up with broken default clothing untill someone replaces them all .. or with the male bodies no one ever does the clothing replacments so I end up with a good male body with ruined clothing "cause men only want to wear armor I guess" pfft.. but I guess I'm talking about fallout here .. fingers crossed I dont go through this again

I hear ya about the clothing. I wanted to do a dress uniform. Something a knight would wear. Not this noble robe dress garbage lol.
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