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Mod Anticipation


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The Argonians are the only race Ive really read all the lore on and been interested in beyond just stat boosts .. Also the only race Ive never played as cause they looked like crap xD .. This time they look great though! .. no mods needed imo
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Im with you Alcrin :D

The Argonian to his right disagrees his disagree.


Seriously, they look like they drank too much Hist sap.

:P I think Drugs (Skooma) has been Cancelled in Skyrim so i heard in an Interview. :unsure:

No skooma? boo.


Definitely need a low impact Lore mod to fix a few things like that.

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Here's an idea I have: Spell management. You can't just cast any spell you know at any time, you have to choose the spells you keep on you carefully.


At home (or somewhere else you can keep it) you have a Grimoire. You can potentially move it if you choose to do so, but you can only use it when it's appropriately placed on a bookshelf or on a desk of some kind. You can't use it in the middle of a dungeon.


The grimoire contains all of your spells. Activating it lets you change which spells you're currently holding. There's no limit to the number of spells you can have on you at once, however carrying more than some limit (let's say, 10) makes your spells less effective. Carrying less than the limit, however, will make you more effective. So you can have great potency, or great versatility, but not both.


(Btw, spell tomes and bought spells are added to your grimoire instead of going into your current spellcasting inventory.)

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Here's an idea I have: Spell management. You can't just cast any spell you know at any time, you have to choose the spells you keep on you carefully.


At home (or somewhere else you can keep it) you have a Grimoire. You can potentially move it if you choose to do so, but you can only use it when it's appropriately placed on a bookshelf or on a desk of some kind. You can't use it in the middle of a dungeon.


The grimoire contains all of your spells. Activating it lets you change which spells you're currently holding. There's no limit to the number of spells you can have on you at once, however carrying more than some limit (let's say, 10) makes your spells less effective. Carrying less than the limit, however, will make you more effective. So you can have great potency, or great versatility, but not both.


(Btw, spell tomes and bought spells are added to your grimoire instead of going into your current spellcasting inventory.)

Interesting...it's got kind of a D&D feel: pick your spells for the day, and be sure those are the ones you want! It'd be hard to balance and maintain the fun, but I think I like it more for minimizing how many spells I'd have to manage!

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An idea for an extension to that mod: A penalty for carrying mixed spell schools with you. For example, you'll be more effective carrying only healing spells than if you try to have both healing and fireballs. For balance, I'd say 3 schools of magic should be the vanilla level of spell effectiveness (not counting the earlier-described spell capacity penalty of course), with more specialization giving bonuses and more generalness giving a penalty. Edited by Alcrin
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Mehh. It depends on how the game plays. I'm a huge fan of realistic/immersion mods for Oblivion, so if there's no eating option in default Skyrim, I will go for mods like that, and probably mods that make the game more challenging in various other ways as well.


Also, if they don't have a suitably butch orc wifey, my first order of business will be to mod one up. Possibly just to hear the BBB fans whine about how sick I am. Otherwise, though? I'm happy with the visual direction, the mechanics look solid so far, etc. No possible complaints as yet.

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Mehh. It depends on how the game plays. I'm a huge fan of realistic/immersion mods for Oblivion, so if there's no eating option in default Skyrim, I will go for mods like that, and probably mods that make the game more challenging in various other ways as well.


You can cook food and eat it but you don't have to eat to live, and there's no "hardcore mode" to make this a requirement. So yes, it will have to be a mod.


Also, if they don't have a suitably butch orc wifey, my first order of business will be to mod one up. Possibly just to hear the BBB fans whine about how sick I am. Otherwise, though? I'm happy with the visual direction, the mechanics look solid so far, etc. No possible complaints as yet.


Luckily for you, they're doing this Fable-style: You can marry pretty much anyone who isn't already taken.

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Mehh. It depends on how the game plays. I'm a huge fan of realistic/immersion mods for Oblivion, so if there's no eating option in default Skyrim, I will go for mods like that, and probably mods that make the game more challenging in various other ways as well.


You can cook food and eat it but you don't have to eat to live, and there's no "hardcore mode" to make this a requirement. So yes, it will have to be a mod.


Also, if they don't have a suitably butch orc wifey, my first order of business will be to mod one up. Possibly just to hear the BBB fans whine about how sick I am. Otherwise, though? I'm happy with the visual direction, the mechanics look solid so far, etc. No possible complaints as yet.


Luckily for you, they're doing this Fable-style: You can marry pretty much anyone who isn't already taken.

...IF they want to:


Mike, your question about marriage ended up yielding some fantastic feedback!

There are hundreds of people that you CAN marry, if they want to marry you. They can become your companion. Having a companion offers awesome perks. Your wife can fight by your side, helping you attack or defend. She can carry stuff for you increasing your inventory capacity. She can cook for you once a day increasing your health. There are many “Lovers’ bonuses” available. Possibly the BEST thing: you can delegate tasks and send your followers to do things for you, such as attack, collect food, buy weapons, and more… Unfortunately for you there are no “brown-chicken brown-cow” relationship animations.

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I strongly doubt it'll be anything more than absolutely trivial to get an NPC's disposition maxed out, do the fetch quest, or whatever romance requirement there is to getting married to someone. What matters is there are hundreds of options. It's pretty unlikely there won't be anyone you can tolerate enough to have around the house and bring with you on adventures from time to time.
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