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Mod Anticipation


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Haven't been here for a while, but this looked like a good thread to throw my 2 cents in. My apologies if some of these have already been mentioned.




The heads up display is not bad and uncluttered, but I look forward to trying out what the modders come out with. The main thing addition I'd like to see on the hud is a mini local map in the corner so I don't need to keep pressing M to get my bearings



rideable dragons


I want a pet dragon I can ride, like I had with an Oblivion Mod. 'Nuff said.



better followers


It would be nice to be able to have more than 1. Especialy when other NPCs join your current quest, replacing the current follower. Also, there is a need for more command options, like telling them to stay well behind, or to take a more offensive roll. Many times I find my follower just gets in the way and I end up striking them by accident.



book trophy case


A display case, like the one for bobbles in Fallout 3, would be nice for books. I know books can be physically placed on shelves, but that can be tricky and time consuming to place them right - and they may also eventually disappear. A book shelf that automatically places a book and keeps it would be cool for collectors.





Onlty 8 hotkeys? Why can't we use 9 or 0 as well? A mod for this will be most welcomed.





Favorites are neat addition to Skyrim, but it would be better it there were different favorites for weapons, potions, magic spells etc. And when I bring up favorites, it sure would be nice if the game didn't stop.





More specifically, the two-handed weapon combat stance. With a one handed weapon, the player can chose which hand to hold it in. However, by default, the controls setup is messed up. A left click will make the avatar attack with his right hand, and it's a right click for the left hand. No problem, the player can redefine the keys so left is left, and right is right, which is what I did. The problem is that the avatar can only hold two-handed weapons with a right-handed stance. So my primary attack is now a right click, and blocking is left. What a great time I had getting used to that! I should be able choose if my avatar is right or left handed.



Items menus


The item menus in Skyrim, while visually spectacular, fail on functionality. The main problem is there is no way to sort items by price, weight, and rating - a feature that was available in Oblivion. There's also a consistency problem. When trading with a vendor, the default E is used to buy or sell items. When trading with a follower, R is used, and if you press E it equips the item. That crap needs to be standardized.



portable containers


The lack of portable containers in Skyrim is an unforgivable sin. Skryim has hundreds and hundreds of different items the player can collect, but there's no way to keep them organized - other than the few categories the item menu provides. This problem is really noticeable when it comes to Alchemy: To store ingredients, each type must be individually dropped into a chest, and they must individually retrieved when needed. I know ingredients don't weigh much, but it can add up after a while, and that's a problem since carryweight is a factor in Skyrim. In Oblivion, one could easily store ingredients or whatever by keeping it a sack. Sacks and knapsacks exist in Skyrim, but are glued to the scenery and cannot be moved, least of all, picked up. They sit there as if to mock the player, like some cruel joke being played the game designers.

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What i ould like to see is a buff icons+duration on the screen...


Because not knowing when your buffs or ill states are going out is really annoying.


Also the ability to overwrite enchants on your items...


It seems stupid to me that if you find new enchants and want to put it on a piece of armor you really like, you have to find a new armor or just kiss goodbye your favorite looking armor...


You have that cool armor, but you got better enchants or want to replace them with something else?, just overwrite it!!


Also where is all the Absorbe fire/ice/shock/magic like enchants?,and the other usefull enchants from Oblivion like detect life and stuffs?...


Also the Spellmaking..., i know it was pretty broken in Oblivion and let you do really stupid stuffs.


Also in Oblivion you had like what?,200+ Magic spells?, but more then 60% of those where useless, or din't have any interesst...


Now we have like 9-10 spells per Magic school... wich is like 60 spells, i know its not a low number, but its definetly not a huge number either.


And those spells are really straitgh forward and kind of dull...


I want the ability to launch a Thunder bolt and drain the targets mana!, i want to hit something with a fire spell an make them paralyse or something.


You see what i mean is more exotic effects,right now its really kinda dubbed down.

Edited by Chaosrex
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I could really use a minimap but more than anything I would like some realistic feet instead of whatever is currently at the end of my legs. Did they melt? :psyduck:


I would also really like a quest to clean up Riften and get rid of the thieves guild in the same way that you can with the dark brotherhood. Its almost like that quest line was planned but not developed.


And yes, HGEC and Roberts please :)

Edited by hypnoboggled
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On my personal wish list:


1. A pose mod. Preferably something with a sitting pose 'cause I need to get a screenshot of my tribal Wood Elf girl sitting on a glacier, watching the Northern Lights with (maybe) Winterhold or Dawnstar in the distance.


2. A pair of scaled, possibly armored and essential Sabertooth Cat companions (for the tribal theme).


3. More Forsworn style gear. Was dying for tribal/feral type gear in Oblivion, and now that we have some in Skyrim, I WANT MORE.


4. More Blackreach type locations. Soooooo pretty <3


5. More Sheogorath. 'Cause....well, duh.




6. A proper mesh to go along with the nude textures. I'd personally like a Skyrim version of the Eyecandy mod (or at least the ability to pick and choose the body types).


7. More Falmer stuff. They're fun to stalk and murder.


8. More warpaint and tattoos. Failing that, ring items that show as tattoos.


9. Dragon Bone weapons.


10. "Imports" from other proveniences of native weapons and armors (Arabian type stuff from Elsweyr and Hammerfell for example).


11. More animal/monster bits. Dragon eyes, Falmer hearts, Troll teeth, ect. ect..


12. Trophies for your home. Loot so many dragon bones, turn them into the Thane or whoever sold you your house, get a mounted dragon skull in your living room.


13. Less anime/video game weapons and armor. Your Argonian in Sepheroth's clothing with Inuyasha's sword is bad and you should feel bad for having it. Especially in Skyrim.


14. More quality hair models. Or at least a revamp of the current ones so they don't look all mangy and stringy.


15. A touch-up of the Werewolf mesh. Take it away from the "Underworld" werewolves (Lycans) and nudge it more towards Bloodmoon.


16. Children of other races (elves and beasts and such) and the ability to have children with your spouse (for heterosexual couples) or to adopt (for homosexual couples)(There IS an orphanage after all). Toss in an aging factor (Child => Adult in X days) and you and your kid can go adventuring together.

Edited by SilusCrow
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16. Children of other races (elves and beasts and such) and the ability to have children with your spouse (for heterosexual couples) or to adopt (for homosexual couples)(There IS an orphanage after all). Toss in an aging factor (Child => Adult in X days) and you and your kid can go adventuring together.



totally like that and ofc MOUNTED COMBAT, hoping it will make it to skyrim

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I think a wound mod would be good. It would require a few things:


1: A replica of Corpse Equip mod on fallout


2:A couple of armor meshes which cover the body in cuts or burns etc. set to non playable so you can't see them in menu


3: Script effects on weapons. A sword would check if the NPC being attacked has sword wound armor on them. If not it adds one to their inventory.


4: If you take their armor when they're dead corpse equip will swap the wound onto the body.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well the modders have already done an amazing job making the game look 100 times better than it did just by changing the textures. Thank you! My game now looks fantastic.


When the dev tools come out these are the things I'd like:


1. House mods. I want better player houses with individual rooms for multiple followers, a large living room, a library with plenty of space for all my books, a kitchen and dining room, a large alchemy lab, trophies on the walls, weapon and armor racks for lots of stuff. Ideally this would be a farm house near water with stables, a herb garden, vegetable garden, a blacksmith's forge etc


2. Automatic sorting. Books go on bookshelves, armor goes on mannequins, weapons go on racks, ingredients go into a chest in the alchemy lab, smithing gear goes into its own chest, food ingredients go into a barrel, cooked food into another container etc


3. Follower mods. I want my followers to relax at home, change into casual or night-time clothes, sleep, hang out, play music etc I want to be able to choose which follower(s) to take out with me. It would also be great to assign "jobs" to your followers, change their attack style, assign them to look after the horses, cook, smith etc. I want dialog options to be context sensitive, and to have the ability to train my followers in skills like magic or archery.


4. A total overhaul of the GUI for inventory and dialog. The vanilla one is absolutely awful.


5. New idle animations and "screensaver" mode. It would be cool to see something happen rather than have the camera rotate wildly around the player.... for example the player gets out a flute and starts playing it... or smokes a pipe... eats something... cleans his sword... sorts his arrows... etc


6. First person horse riding, with the ability to shoot while mounted. It's also important that followers be able to ride horses as well. Ideally you'd be able to buy a horse and "give" it to your follower.


If I had that, I'd probably have the greatest game ever made! :laugh:

Edited by MrMiggins
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