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Carmageddon: Reincarnation


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As some of you might be aware, the new Carmageddon has been announced and it will be created by the original creators of Carmageddon 1 and 2, Stainless! 1 And 2 were the non-crappy ones, in case you forget!


The Carmageddon community is growing as we speak with old as well as new adolescents who want to splatter organs over the pavement and crush cars against walls (and alright, we also got some bald, drunk, fat guys who still enjoy this type of thing). The Official Website is up. Including a hilarious Developer's Blog.


The new Carmageddon will be released on multiple platforms, somewhere next year, hopefully before the world ends. Then again, maybe Carmageddon will be the cause of the end of the world.


It'll be using an updated version of the Engine they used for Carmageddon 2.


I'm sure looking forward to it, Carmageddon 2 is still one of my favorite games and because of Carmageddon I started playing GTA (or was it the other way around). With a 10 year difference between the last Carmageddon I expect to see some awesome physics, crazy powerups and plenty of blood and gore like in Carma 1. Especially due to people getting used to extremely violent games, I'm wondering how far Stainless can push it.


For the people who don't know what Carmageddon is, here's a trip through memory lane, which features Carmageddon 1 and Carmageddon 2 (We do not talk about Carmageddon TDR 2000):



The first concept art features a few cars which we can recognize and a well-known powerup (also check the update of the Blog):



- Max Damage's updated Eagle.

- Don Dumpsters Plow

- The long vehicle in the back looks a lot like Vlad's Annihilator

- The car on the right looks like Screwie Lewie's car.

- In the sketches we can see a six-wheeled truck and a gigantic Dozer

- Sketches also show Cutter


The blog about Screwie Lewie is here.

Screwie Lewie is confirmed to come back in Reincarnation, without legs though!


And most likely other characters from the original will follow!


Stainless also gave us a Media Pack with concept art, backgrounds and more, for free obviously.


Here is a video of the new motion capture system which Stainless will be using:





Read more here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I second that.

The 2nd part was special because of it physics and graphics. Very advanced for its time.

I'm a little concerned since they announced it for comsoles as well. I hope they are aiming for next gen consoles. Releasing it on the current ones will reqire to make some compromises and cut downs.

Carmageddon 1 and 2 still are absolutely amazing games, TDR sadly never was. :ohdear:

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I am liking this game already, funny :smile: enough never actually palyed it.




Edited by Thor.
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If memory serves, the games had green blood because of complaints and you had to scour the net for a mod to change it back to red. At the time I had an IBM dx2 25mhz with 640k ram, had to upgrade to dx2 66mhz 1024mb just to run it properly. Ahh, those were the days, lol. I loved C2, just hope they don't turn it into another Duke Nukem Forever :facepalm:
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  • 2 weeks later...

If memory serves, the games had green blood because of complaints and you had to scour the net for a mod to change it back to red. At the time I had an IBM dx2 25mhz with 640k ram, had to upgrade to dx2 66mhz 1024mb just to run it properly. Ahh, those were the days, lol. I loved C2, just hope they don't turn it into another Duke Nukem Forever :facepalm:


Actually, the development team themselves leaked a blood patch, so players could restore their version to normal, now that's awesome.


Censored versions included zombies, dinosaurs, robots and aliens except of humans.

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  • 1 month later...

Another update, you can read the Blog update here!


Featuring an old familiar, Val Hella from C1! Val Hella seems to have some kind of anti-aging creme (or maybe she's a time traveller) because she ended up looking (or being?) younger than in C1, this is the C1 mugshot:




In addition they gave her a cute lil' dog based on this picture:



Now isn't that cute? So here she is (with dog, by Doug Telford):




Here's the image link (bigger version)


Now, if you played C1, the car Val Hella drove was the Cleaver (which was also on the cover of Carmageddon II, even though the car wasn't actually in the game). I quote:


The Cleaver. As it was a pretty strong design in the original game, we decided to just give it the lightest of makeovers


So here it is, the rejuvenated Cleaver:




Here is the image link (bigger version)



I personally love the blades on the side of the wheels as they were in C1, I just hope they would actually contribute something this time to the combat, ripping the metal from other cars.


There's another of the Blog here by Simone, she's a woman. Really? Yes. And she makes games of which the main goal is to drive over people and destroy eachother? Yes. Pretty cool right? Be sure to check out her part of the blog here: Designer's Digest.


Another competition has started as well, called "What a Prat". If you don't know what the prat cam is, it's the image that was shown in C1 in the upper left corner. Basically it was a camera inside the car that would film the driver as they were driving into people, crashing into cars and bumping into walls. Here's how Max (Tony the madman on the forums) looked in the prat cam:




Now you get to make your own prat cam with whatever you want, however you want. Just make sure it's funny!


You can win a goodie bag, with a signed T-shirt! I'm kinda late with the contest :x You only have 10 days left!

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  • 6 months later...

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