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Part of a mesh isn't showing up


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I have made an awesome helmet by combining a Guard Helmet with some Minotaur Horns. Brilliant, ain't it? But when I create an .esp, I edit the guard helmet: new ID and only a new biped model. I first changed it to nothing, resulting in the Missing Mesh symbol. Then I set the biped model to my HornedHelmet. Now, when I equip that helmet, only the guard helmet shows up, no horns. I was like :psyduck: How, I mean, what, this can't be! How can Oblivion load a mesh only partially. This is unheard of, for me at least.


I am no expert in meshing, I mostly mash things up with the meshes (you see what I did there?). Combining meshes, retexturing, scaling and moving around, that I can. But that knowledge isn't enough to explain what happened here.

Can someone illuminate me, please?


PS: I have a feeling I have to bipe something, since the _gnd file is working fine, and looks exquisite.

Edited by Faceshifter
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I'm no expert at all, maybe a week experience in mashing. This is what I did after I mashed meshes together.



1. I have my Frankenstein mesh put together. Exactly how I want.

2. The next step I took was to Remove Bogus Nodes. I went into Block List, clicked onto 0 NiNode ( which is at the very top of the list), so to was highlighted. Selected Spells in the menu bar, then Optimize, and selected Remove Bogus Nodes.

3. In this step I changed all the NiTriShapes into NiTriStrips, I read on CS Wiki that this prevents game and CS crashes. So I clicked onto 0 NiNode, Spells, Optimize, Stripify all TriShapes.

4. I don't know if this step is necessary, but I did it anyway, because to me, it puts everything in order. Select 0 NiNode, Spells, Sanitize, Adjust Link Arrays.

5. This is the last step I took before saving. Selected 0 NiNode, Spells, Batch, Update All Tangent Spaces.

I know what I did. I just don't know if this is the right way to do it, but it worked for me.

If you did this, already. Then disregard my reply, and I hope things work out for you.

Take care :)

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