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Oblivion and Real Life


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There is only one question that would prevent me from stepping through said portal, and it deeply embarrasses me to say this, but I come to this in every discussion of this nature I have ever had.


Tampons. :blush:



If of course I was neutered I would propably end up a librarian in the Mages Guild.

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:B Glad to see this topic has not died.


Let's see. For myself..


I would most likely be a Master Mage by day, and a thief by night, only to fund my magical studies. I would be free-lance, though, since i wouldn't have need of any guilds, i'd just..steal..their books and train myself in the fine arts of stealhcraft and magecraft.


I would most definitely be an adventure, maybe save the usual Duke or Dame in Distress, perhaps even befriend some bandits somewhere, before i steal their stuff when they are asleep,and blame it on a wandering rat or ghoul. :P

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I love my life, and would be broken-hearted to even consider leaving my fiance. He is my world, and I'd rather not throw that away.


Had I no choice, though, I'd probably make a beeline straight to Sheogorath's realm. I'd enjoy my life among the insane and probably try to convince them all into agnosticism, and, in the process, be smote by Sheogorath.


Or maybe live in Anvil and sit on the docks, on occasional mornings sitting by the fences outside the one exit where Mai'q appears, waiting to catch a glimpse of him before he runs off again. xP I'd either live off of potion-making. I'd spend a lot of time gathering ingredients and making potions, eventually earning my way into a little store I could own just by the shore. Probably have a lot of wise-ass friends that I constantly practice fighting with.


Also I'd probably attempt animal-taming! Like the few Guars in Morrowind, I'd probably work on taming certain species and keeping them as pets. Maybe not the mountain lions. ;;>.>


I'd keep away from spell-casting though. Too many things could go wrong.

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Augh, I wouldn't. With damn bandits running amuck and oblivion gates opening up and stuck up nobels not inviting you to their parties. No way. I like living comfortably and being about to reset something stupid I did in the game. And consol commands. Okay, if I had access to consol commands, I might do it. And a portal to the TESCS xD
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