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New redesign implemented


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Erm...maybe someone discussed this and I haven't seen....but the other sites..the little icons in front of the files are...wrong. Like on the New Vegas there is little oblivion icons in front of the file names......


I assume that isn't right.


If this has been talked about then ignore me please...its been a long, earthquakey day! :tongue:

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Bleh my mental conditions makes it hard for me to except change easly, it bothers me alot lol.

I miss the old version is was simple and easy to figure out... nows its got all these bells and whistles and confuses the heck out of me.

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I had a grease monkey script that ran a random file button on the old page. It was great discovering old and buried mods that I'd otherwise never had found. It was like finding hidden treasure or a needle in a hay stack. Can a feature like that be added to the new site? I miss that functionality the most.


Thanks for all your hard work and passion for us gamers. I salute you, your efforts are appreciated and applauded.


Thanks for the donation to the community.


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Okay, found the random button all the way at the bottom of the page. Not sure if it's the site's or my script's but if it's the sites, can it be moved to a more convienent location? That's a lot of scrolling to do for each click.


Thanks again!

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Because of the new design, I can't download anything.


The bars are all messed up on the right side of the screen.


clicking the download button (or any of the green buttons for that matter) does nothing.


I cannot post comments either. Only here on the forums.


I believe everything was just fine before.

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In short, it doesn't meat the old functionality and ease of use.

1. The screen real estate just got chopped in half or better. 19" monitors or smaller would not notice this much. The old design makes use of all screen real estate.

A lot longer pages with more buttons also that require extra clicks to access features that were on top before, thus wearing a mouse without hyper scrolling out much faster.

2. White on orange contrast is not a very good choice as it would be easier read if the lettering was a darker or deep color, such as maybe black or deep teal on orange.

3. So much for asking users why they did not like a file and negatively endorsed. There is actually legit bugs for users of millions of mods and other reasons why stuff isn't someones cup of tea. So much for progress...especially if the author might be willing to change something also. Another idea never realized.

4. Offering 'new' version of the old design would make transitioning for dislikers a lot more easier. TESAlliance has advanced('New') and 'Basic'(olderish) views. Why cannot nexus offer something similar for users that don't want change quite yet or maybe even ever. Ex: If it works and isn't broke, don't fix it. USB3 is still compatible with 2 and 1.1.

5. I don't like the fact that the new icons on a pages notebook dividers do not have a easily read text option as before.

6. It is possible to place a house on jacks while the new foundation is being poured underneath of it. I've did it once, and we moved the location of the house about 150 feet. Same great house as before, a bit improved and slightly moved with a better new foundation to expand upon.


On the plus side, I see a few minor improvements in the list(they were not UI related), but not enough for such a radical change at the present time. Forcing change always results in difference of opinions and is also a source of innovation, but showing or letting users find something on their own at their own pace is a sense of wonder and seeking new features that might be enjoyed by many.


That is my constructive criticism on the matter.

I hope that the new site can accommodate for old style also.

Good luck.

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I dont know if it could be implimented, or if funds, time and motivation allows it, but could we have an option that enables us to switch back and forth to the Classic view much like Microsoft Word, Powerpoint etc 2010 upwards does?


This new Layout is very much turning people into the infamous internet meme "Rage guy" with sayings like "FFFFUUUU.." etc.

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