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New redesign implemented


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For those who are saying that they cannot add comments to images, are you referring to images within the image share? Are you referring to endorsement comments, or just comments in general? For endorsements, it does appear that the ability to add a comment with your endorsement has been removed. However, I do see a button that says "Add Comment", and it is working as far as I can tell.



Here's what I see: http://oi52.tinypic.com/2v1t9qo.jpg


No comment button.


Do you have anything running that may be blocking it, such as NoScript? If so, try disabling them, because I just tried a few things, and I do get a similar result if I block either the Nexus site or JQuery.

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From what the blog post says up there ^^^, it would appear it was...


There's no file category list on files now, though, meaning you can't tell at a glance if it's for Morrowind or Oblivion, and you kinda have to guess at the category as well...

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Guest deleted649591

Do you have anything running that may be blocking it, such as NoScript? If so, try disabling them, because I just tried a few things, and I do get a similar result if I block either the Nexus site or JQuery.


Just windows pop-up blocker set on medium. AVG anti-virus. I go to java heavy sites all the time playing java games and such and have never had a problem.


The XP, IE8 system is at work. When I get home tonight I'll try again there, Vista, IE9.

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I've noticed three things that would be nice to see changed.


1 - As Hadanelith said below, would be great to have the tracked files page returned to some semblance of its previous functionality which was far superior.


2 - I can't choose what server I want to download my file from now because the "please wait" window was changed to load in tabs - on a side note I find this extremely annoying and it really ticks me off. Not to mention it automatically brings me away from the mod page I was viewing. Why have several servers if users can't choose to download from them?


3 - It would be incredibly nice if the site design wasn't fixed width. The new layout looks terrible on widescreen monitor's because of the absurd amount of empty space. Do they even sell those small square monitor's anymore that fixed width would look ideal on? I thought widescreen was default for new computer's now...maybe I'm wrong...apparently PES thinks I'm wrong too.

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Well, I looked to this new design ... I prefer the old design, more simple and I know where the exactly links for what I really want, and the version of FONV hurt the eyes with this strong orange. No offense, but I think when something works, do not touch, just my opinion.

But do what, the way is to accept this, we have no choice even switch to the old look.

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Going to take a while to get used to this I guess , the only complaints so far are the wasted space on pages and when you comment on a screen shot the Premium part of my avatar seems to run into the review box and also on editing the text obscures part of the review itself. Otherwise I think it will all just take time to get adjusted :)
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Not going to slag of the new design, because its clearly had some work put into it and it looks modernised and, well, MAYBE professional. But I did prefer the old layout to this!


I guess thats just be being grumpy to something new :P this is gonna take some getting used to..

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