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New redesign implemented


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So are "multi-part" downloads working for anybody or not? I am getting "ERROR" in Firefox as well as in IE8? I have had a report on my mod that all the links are down, and I am getting the same error.
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The new design doesn't look bad, but it's not great either. It won't stop me from visiting this place so I'll have to get used to it.


Nicely put. Even with all of my "issues" with the new site, I will still be coming here too.

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Rabble rabble rabble Me no like new look rabble rabble rabble. Joking aside looks sleak, a bit funky after getting used to the nexus sites, seems foreign obviously, color schemes ok, I guess we'll get used to it. Reminds me when we used to re-arrange the grocery store I worked at every couple years...all the regulars couldn't find anything and complained incessantly, just when they got used to it and could find items again we changed it up. Kinda cruel in a way but hey we were all young and needed entertainment. Happy 10th Anny, here's to another 10 years of supporting all the mods, authors, and the great games.
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Didn't expect the redesign, but now that the Search function is just always available it makes things a bit easier.


However, whenever I try to download something, instead of using the new system it automatically sends me to the old 'downloading' window. Thought it was one of the addons, but when I disabled them to test the theory, it kept sending me to the old window's page. Lets me download the files just fine, but it gets a bit annoying after a while. Currently using Firefox.

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Nicely put. Even with all of my issues with the new site, I will still be coming here too.

If there were better options out there, I wouldn't use this site in it's current state. I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm not just hating on the design. It's much less user friendly and seems to value form more than function.


There are many ways to design something, but putting looks before functionality is the one thing you never do. I hope whoever designed this takes that to heart and learns from it, because that is the one rule you just don't break.


It should not be painfull to read this site, any site. The eyestrain just from typing this is making me want to just stop right now and close the browser, I want to use this site, I want to like this design, but I can't, it's uncomfortable to use. Which is a shame.


I wouldn't expect any of my mods to get any more real support, not even comments or answers at this point, because i can't physically stand to look at it for more than a few seconds.

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@ Dark0ne


My mod here (on New Vegas Nexus):




I've tried with the latest Firefox and IE8 (normal and compatablity mode) but still no luck... plus somebody else reported it in the comments section...




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