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New redesign implemented


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Forget what I said about changing images to fit 600px for the time being. Going to run a few mockups or two over the coming days on some slight changes to the file pages.
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I'm still trying to adjust to all the changes but is there a file tracking update notice on the front page like their used to be and I'm missing it or do I just have to manually go to the tracking centre now?


EDIT: Also, I noticed the [heading] feature now makes the text really small. I removed it on my mod page.


EDIT: I see most people are making this complaint but I'll add my voice. The visible area is way to thin. Far too much vertical scrolling with tons of wasted space on the sides.


EDIT: Let me also add some positives. :) No more negative endorsements. Faster rotating "hot files".

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I simply do not care. I will get used to it just as I have a lot of website changes, just please add the mod dislike button again. What you are basically telling me is "Don't like a modification? Screw you! ;D"


I do prefer the old one.... This is just looks like any other website on the internet, the old one had just a bit of originality.

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Not bad, but to be honest, I loved the old... but this not matter:)

From my opinion, the News field is obsolete to be at top: The navigation menus should be at top instead of News, as people usually come here for stuff:)

Apart from this, I like the new outfit. And a very pleasant thing: It not became slow, which is so usually nowadays, when a site redesigned:)


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I simply do not care. I will get used to it just as I have a lot of website changes, just please add the mod dislike button again. What you are basically telling me is "Don't like a modification? Screw you! ;D"


I do prefer the old one.... This is just looks like any other website on the internet, the old one had just a bit of originality.


You can still voice your problems with a mod via the comments. The majority seem very happy to have the negative endorsements removed, particularly those who spend 100+ hours making a mod only to get a negative endorsement from some idiot who can't take 30 seconds to read the installation instructions.

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Although I'm extremely un-adapted to the new site right now, I'm looking forward to improvements. My Main concern is the description width... it needs to be wider for sure. Some ideas I think would be beneficial:


1. Add the latest images back to the home page, that's something I dearly miss.


2. Make the Fallout 3 and New Vegas Nexus' more Fallout like the old ones. The new styles JUST DON'T FIT.


3. Widen. The. Description. In. Files. For. Crying. Out. Loud.


4. The drop down menu's are so annoying... at least for me. Every time I go to manage my files I think. "Ah damnit... where's the tab? Oh, it's up there. Right. Move mouse over Files... wait for menu... find Manage files..." < This just isn't right.


5. Get the old New Vegas Nexus back ground back. The new one is repeated like 4 times... it's an eye sore.


6. When you have you mouse over a hotfiles tab... DON'T LET IT CHANGE BY ITSELF. I'm reading the description and then it's on to the next mod.


7. Personal Message alert. Bring it back... please. I never realize I have a new message because I like the alert. Noticing the little tiny number by messages isn't to convenient.


8. Make the viewing of members a lot easier. What I mean is, the old design let us give kudos to a member by clicking the plus by there name if they had posted or something. All of the members info used to be right there... now it's not. Supercalafradgalisticexpealannoying.


9. The new way of viewing a mods downloads and endorsements flat out sucks. This goes in the "Fail" category for sure. Do something with it PLEASE.


10. Fix the link logos on the Forums. When I move my mouse over the drop down menu the logos are all gone.


Just read over it after posting... kind of harsh but necessary constructive criticism in my opinion.




- Falloutperson416

Edited by falloutperson416
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I am SO happy to have them removed. It REALLY bugged me seeing six negative endorsements on Beauty Pack Plus. I mean I check the comments regularly, and get back to almost anyone who voices feedback, but out of the six negatives, three were because they couldn't get it to work. That's unfortunate, but my mod is incredibly easy to use with overly helpful instructions >_> the other three were because the mod did not suit their tastes. Why should a mod get negative rep simply because someone has different preferences? I mean I'm sorry if you don't like my mod, there sure is an alternative ^_^, and admittedly a rather nice one. Use whatever suits you best :D


MY point in all that rambling... please, please, please, please do not bring back negative endorsements ^_^ Who really wants such a downer?

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Could you add text to the "Description, Files, Images, etc." button instead of requiring a mouseover? While I'm sure I'll get used to which is which I think it will be very confusing for new users to the Nexus sites.


EDIT: I just messed with the Tracking Centre and noticed all the functionality we lost. Please bring back sorting options.

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