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New redesign implemented


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Could you reintroduce the "date updated" in the download history list, alongside the "date downloaded"? This makes it easy to compare downloaded dates against the updates. Whilst tracking an individual file is helpful with the alert, it does not provide the bulk view, nor the visual impact of the list.


I am also finding this site extremely slow to load and turn over (Firefox). Some of the links and buttons, moreover, do not immediately respond to being clicked.


I realise a new site takes some getting used to and the old site had its problems, but I don't think the flaws have been addressed with this new look - it's pretty much the old site with a new slightly clunky overlay.

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Digging the new design, although, missing the old one. Know this is alot of work, so thanks for such commitment to the Nexus community.

Also using IE9, can't download any files...just get a grey screen. And small bugs such as keyboard responsivness (arrow keys don't seem to work) and some genral lag during browsing. Once all the bugs are worked out I'm sure this will be a great change. Thanks again for all the effort put into this site, it is one of the best the internet has to offer imho.

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New design sucks big time! Some ergonomy tweaks could be achieved without complete makeup, especially like this!
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I must say I´m quite statisfied with this design... I surely will find some bugs or so while using but that´s normal. It´s new^^. It´s like in new games before the first patch. Bugs! But they´ll get fixed.

The only thing what I don´t like is, that the design isn´t looking like a site of a medieval-fantasy themed game.

I would recommend a new tesnexus logo. Something that looks like medieval. Maybe a sword with "texnexus" on its blade or something.

But as I said, I´m sure the bad things will be fixed and maybe the community will like this more than the old design in some years.


AND: THX for the 4 hours things of the ad-videos. I hated them always playing while listening to music.

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Well, this new design has definitely been a surprise for me.


I don't have much problem with it.


I've found two bugs I thought I should let you know about.

The first is that images with a strange aspect ratio, show up really strangely in their thumbnails.

And adverts show over images.



That's all so far, not a fan of the new style, not against it either. I'm just neutral.

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i dunno if anyone encountered this yet, but the files tab wont work.

Im so desperate to get that frikin mod i had my eye on for a while D:<

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Looks nice. At the moment I feel lost, but I'll find myself in no time I guess. To bad my internet connection is crap and I can't explore it the way I'd like to.
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