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New redesign implemented


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TSotP has a good point here; there's no way to know what category a mod is in.


Say, someone in the chat posts a link, saying it's a cool mod - but when I click it, I won't be able to quickly determine if this could be a mod for me or not, like I could before, as some categories are not for me, while others are.


I also agree with XTR3M368 on the description page. It should be wider. I don't know exactly how, as the non-premium ads probably blocks it a little. Any way you could make it so that for Premium users at least, the space used by the ads are instead used by what is supposed to be there? Like, widening the blog/news posts and file descriptions? As it is now, 1/3 of the width is empty space.


Apart from those two, I don't have anything to suggest. What's the approximate ETA on Axel's coding?

By the way, the comment-box works way better with the Firefox "text-box sizer" now, which is great!

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@ David Brasher

Same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago when uploading my mod; for some reason the Nexus servers just stopped accepting files correctly in RAR format, giving the 30-60 minute error that still existed the following day. However, re-uploading the files in 7Zip format fixed this. Maybe you could let the author know about this workaround to the problem?

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Could you please bring back the activity log for tracked files? The whole reason i track files is so I can go into the tracking centre and quickly see in the activity log which files have been updated without going to each mod's page and individually checking. Now you can't see that and you have to do it manually, which is really slow. The tracking centre is kind of pointless now, could you please put that back?
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Just one other comment:


In the Tracking Center: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't put the Action Log behind a 'click'. I care 0% about a mod description update, and I care 100% about a file update. I imagine I am not alone here?


With the new setup, I must click on each file's Action Log icon (and wait for the lightbox to load) just to see if there has been a meaningful update to any of the mods. This used to be an 'at a glance' activity, now a tedious chore.


Again, just trying to be constructive here...


EDIT: @ViralDust -- Haha, we're on the same page ;)


EDIT 2: Wait... are Action Points gone now too?? :/

Edited by tapioks
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I have to join the negative feedback. The site makes far worse use of space than the old design, and I don't just mean on a big widescreen. While the new features pointed out are generally nice, they don't make up for the worse site design. It's not as easy to click through to what I was looking for now, or see as much. The old site had everything easily accessible from the front page in a few clicks. The new site hides things away. The people saying it's designed for smaller screens seem to be missing the point that the old site worked well on both normal or widescreen. Looking at the stats on steam for the type of monitor people use (for all games), far more people use widescreen, and the number is growing.


It looks shiny and new, but it's a step backwards in site usability. Might be better for maintaining the site, but for the users? Back in the 90s of fixed site design. Keeping old functionality doesn't seem to have been in mind when designing the new site unfortunately. Rollback or hire someone new and start over.

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Apologies if this has already been asked and answered, but how do i tell who endorsed my files? Is that an intended feature, anonymous endorsements?


And how can i enable discussions? i assume leaving a comment with an endorsement has been axed and that seemed superfluous, i agree, but when i uploaded my last mod, i was sure that i enabled the 'allow users to add new discussion topics' check box, but now when i edit the file attributes i see no such options... Not that anyone has ever started a discussion topic for any of my mods, ever...


Just curious, i wanted to at least see if the person who requested the conversion endorsed it... =P


Oh, and i LOVE how the text boxes can be expanded and they are ON TOP of the rest of the page! Unlike before if i pulled it out too far i could never grab the scroll bar again.


And to all who say the text is too small, just hold Ctrl and tap + i use chrome, so i'm not sure about other browsers...


My friend saw the new Nexus and gasped and exclaimed: "What happened? It looks like some cheesy default template from some crappy web site generator program! It was such a beautiful, yet minimal design... truly this is a joke!"


Peace and Love!



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@Tapioks and ViralDust: Fully agree with you, new tracking centre is something like bookmarks page now, would appreciate return or something similar like old version. And I think that I'm not alone. Who's with me?
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Nearly all 2.5 million members are with you, including myself.


Oh I just realized action points seem to be gone as well, which is disappointing. Overall, coming to the Nexus has become a chore. Not fun anymore, what a shame.

Edited by falloutperson416
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