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CTD and missing meshes with FCOM


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Hi again, noob seeks more help on his journey for Oblivion bliss...


I've followed a very in-depth video tutorial on setting up FCOM from the ground up (fresh install).



(first of 5 parts)


I was very careful to do everything exactly how it was explained in the tutorial (which appeared to followed the guide on the official forums pretty closely) but apparently I did something wrong and I have at least two issues...


1. I'm using 'Alternate Start' to bypass the sewer intro and after choosing my race, backstory, etc. I get a CTD after resting in the cabin bed. I've tried multiple times using different races/gender/class/starting zone/etc. and they all land me at the same CTD (even with fastexit2 installed, and running from OBSE launcher, strangely enough).


2. I disabled Alternate Start, and going through the catacombs right after leaving the jail cell, I started getting a couple "WTF missing mesh" icons. Fortunately, I don't get CTD when alternate start is disabled (might be fastexit2 kicking in, haven't tested that yet).


I've run BOSS, and it doesn't give any warnings. I'm having a hard time seeing where I went wrong. I know there is a way to post my load order and other important info, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that, could anyone steer me in the right direction? :psyduck:

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I for one have never installed FCOM or read much about it. Make sure that for every .esp or .esm you have, you have all the required textures/meshes. Otherwise the game will try to load data that just isnt there. A load order might help as well.
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I for one have never installed FCOM or read much about it. Make sure that for every .esp or .esm you have, you have all the required textures/meshes. Otherwise the game will try to load data that just isnt there. A load order might help as well.


It turns out that although I had changed the file name of MMM.bsa, the change didn't stick for whatever reason. :dry: I renamed it a second time and the change stuck, and my problem was resolved. :thumbsup:

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