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Since New site design launched can't downlaod anything


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I'm getting this message, when trying download new files

File temporarily unavailable

This file has only recently been uploaded to the site. The file server normally takes between 30 - 60 minutes to update with new files so please try downloading this file again after an hour has passed.


I uploaded a file (this one) more than 24 hours ago, and tried re-uploading it several hours ago, but it still says the above for me (and seemingly everybody else). Is this a general problem that is worked on?

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I get the same greying out screen and nothing hapens logged in or not. I liked the old site way better, was more straightforward and easy to use. Why mess with a winner? Hope they get this fixed soon.
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Windows XP


Google task bar


"can't downlaod anything"


Here is what happens


Click on file name: Screen grays out nothing happens

Click on file name: Screen grays out, small white popup box with circular loading graphic appears and disappears, nothing happens

Click on file name: Screen grays out, "normal sized" white popup box with graphic appears, nothing happens

(could these be adverts that are failing to load?)

Click on file name: Screen grays out, normal select download site popup appears (adverts cropped), select site, nothing happens

Click on file name: Screen grays out, normal select download site popup appears (adverts cropped), select site, IE8 warning about site trying to download file appears in main window (this used to appear in the popup), select download, nothing happens

Click on file name: Screen grays out, normal select download site popup appears (adverts cropped), select site, IE8 warning about site trying to download file appears in main window (this used to appear in the popup), select download, download dialog works, file downloaded!



Hope that helps.



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Having the same issues till i read the "day 2" news. I tried out what he mentioned and it worked quite fine..


There seem to be sporadic reports of people not being able to download files because the modal pop-up box isn't showing for them. I don't know if this is IE8 specific but I cannot reproduce this. However, I'm hoping to update the download links slightly so you can middle-click (to open a new tab) a link and it'll just open a completely new page. I know some people like to "queue up" their downloads like this and the current system is preventing them from doing it. So hopefully a "kill two birds with one stone" tweak, that one.
Edited by Cr4nkyOn3
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I have added a new option for those of you having problems with the pop-up box. It'll remove the box and just treat the link as a new page, like any other link. You can either use this method, or use the "right-click and open in new tab" option for when it doesn't work.


From my understanding it seems to not work only some of the time. If it's not working all the time then you have some funky browser/javascript/plugin settings.

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I'm having similiar issues. When the redesign first launched, everything worked fine for me. Now, I can click on the files tab until my finger falls off and nothing happens. It might be something on my end, but it's unlikely as the new site design DID work at first and I was even was able to upload a new mod less than 48 hours after the new design launched.


I just tried the alternate method suggested(set the site to open the download tab in a new window) and still nothing. I can't access any of the tabs other than the description.


I'm running Internet Explorer 8 - maybe there's part of the problem for a lot of people?


EDIT - I just upgraded to IE9 and still have the same problems.

Edited by chrisinnyshotgun
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  • 2 months later...

I'm running MF 7.0.1. and I can't download a thing... I have repeatedly tried to use the portable version as suggested on other threads, and while I can now log on to DAnexus (Occasionally... It's rather random as it keeps telling me that my PW is wrong even though I enter the same thing in both when I can and can't login), I keep getting asked to login as I apparently am not allowed to download files larger than 2MB without it. The problem is though, I just did log in...


Is there another solution to this? This is rather annoying to say the least.



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Unfortunately, we cannot duplicate these problems. And if we can't see them we cant fix them. The new sites work for 99% of the users. The sites have been extensively tested with all popular browsers, IE, FireFox, Chrome, Opera, and even a few not so popular browsers such as Iron and Comodo Dragon. The sites will not work with IE6, and that is something that will not be fixed as MS has even abandoned that version as obsolete.


Here is a list of what was tested and some more advice on seeing of you can find the problem you are having.


The new site has been tested with all of the popular browsers. It works.


We cannot fix your computer for you. However, we can give advice on what may the problem.


We no longer support IE7. It is obsolete. If you have a newer version of IE and are using compatibility mode - you are effectively using IE7.


Some security programs - firewalls, antivirus, antispyware, pop up blockers etc can block the sites from working properly.


What we need to give advice What Operating System? WinXP, Vista, Win7. (we don't have any info on Win8 yet) What browser? and what version? IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera etc. What security add ons to your browser? Ad blockers, pop up blockers etc.


More info You could try a portable version of the browser - It doesn't need to be installed at all. and can work from a USB stick. If it works with the portable version, and not your installed version of the same browser then the problem is likely some add on or setting on your end. While we cannot fix your end, we can give some advice as to what you can do to fix it. To give advice, we need as much information on your browser and settings as you can give us.


To find the portable version of your preferred browser, (If it is not shown ) google it. Here is a site that has several: http://www.portablefreeware.com/?sc=8


NOTE: IE7 is NOT supported, and will not be in the future as it is obsolete.


Here are LHammonds test results for the New Nexus sites using a variety of portable browsers


Quote Firefox is the Nexus-recommended browser (so says me). I initially could not get content loaded when going tab to tab such as the Files tab, images tab, etc. but I realized NoScript was blocking it so once I allowed all scripts to run, it worked fine after that.


Dark0ne tries to make the site work well with Firefox and Internet Explorer...anything beyond that is just icing on the cake.


I have tested the following browsers:

Firefox Portable 6.0

Google Chrome Portable 13.0.782.112

Iron Portable 13.0.800 (based on Google Chromium)

Opera Portable 11.50

Maxthon Portable

Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421


NOTE: The above "portable" browsers can be used by anyone. They do not require "installation" so there is zero impact on your computer...simply extract them, run the program to test it out, then delete once done. All tests were performed with the software as configured straight "out-of-the-box" without any tweaks or changes.


Check List Tests:

Can login and remain logged in from page to page (while browsing and downloading)

Can see mod page description, files, comments and images. Can download mods over 2MB in size. Can create mod page (modder action)

Can set and remove search tags.

Can upload files to mod page (modder action).

Can upload images to mod page.

Can add comments on mod page.

Can upload images to imageshare (modder action).

Can add comments on imageshare.


Test results / notes for Google Chrome: Success

Test results / notes for Firefox - Success

Test results / notes for Opera Success

Test results / notes for Maxthon Success

Test results / notes for Iron Success

Test results / notes for Internet Explorer 9.0.8112.16421 Success


Based on the above test results, all major site functions I have tested have been addressed and fixed by Dark0ne. LHammonds (aka Conan_Lon)


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