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Load game issues


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There could be many reasons your saves are not available, quite often the main culprit is not having defragged the hard drive. Though the actual saves may still show n the folder, the actual data may well be scatted all over the hard drive and thus the game isn't able to find it.


Try defragging your disk on a regular basis - say once a week, and you'll see the improvement (it also makes your machine run faster as well).

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There could be many reasons your saves are not available, quite often the main culprit is not having defragged the hard drive. Though the actual saves may still show n the folder, the actual data may well be scatted all over the hard drive and thus the game isn't able to find it.


Try defragging your disk on a regular basis - say once a week, and you'll see the improvement (it also makes your machine run faster as well).


Thanks for the info dude!


Although I did try the defrag, to no avail. I managed to find the gamesaves (hidden in Win7) and moved the gamesave folder over to the main MW file but that hasn't worked either :facepalm:

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Thanks for the info dude!


Although I did try the defrag, to no avail. I managed to find the gamesaves (hidden in Win7) and moved the gamesave folder over to the main MW file but that hasn't worked either :facepalm:


Had you mentioned that you were running Win7, that would have saved some time. ;) There are quite a number of issues surrounding how Win7 deals with files. Try changing your thread title (if you can) to include mention of Win7, or search on that in these forums. I think you'll be surprised with how many hits you get.

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I agree. it all depends on the O/S you're using; also it DOES help give the information requested. At the very least, you copuld give us your O/S type and any other data toy may think is pertinent to your request.


As your original question stands however, I gave the best advice available without further knowledge of the problem. Please would you update your profile so that others can see what system you are running.

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I agree. it all depends on the O/S you're using; also it DOES help give the information requested. At the very least, you copuld give us your O/S type and any other data toy may think is pertinent to your request.


As your original question stands however, I gave the best advice available without further knowledge of the problem. Please would you update your profile so that others can see what system you are running.


Right, ok.


Operating System - Windows 7

Game type - Disc (Original)

Problem - Game saves not showing in Load screen (although ARE present in Morrowind files)


I've never downloaded any patches or anything. I've been playing the game for weeks and weeks and all of a sudden it won't show my save files in the Load Game screen (title screen).


I've tried de-fragging, which hasn't worked.



Also, if this has any bearing - My Norton security expiring may have coincided with this issue, so could it be a firewall issue?

Edited by Carlito117
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Now there may be a problem that you've come up with -- namely the Norton anti-virus system. As you mention, you say that your service has expired, it seems that it's also messed up your save game files.


As far as that's concerned get Auslogics anti-virus (download it the un-delete Norton) as far as that's concerned, you may have to get a special un-delete programme from Norton to handle this.


Re-start the system, run a disk defrag programme, re-start the system again then load the Auslogics programme - it's free, so you shouldn't have any real problems, and you'll be protected from the work go.


Try to access your save games again; you should be able to get them back OK, but if you can't try using a programme called RECUVA.


Failing that, the only alternative I can see is to re-start the game from the beginning and keep a copy of your backups.

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