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What Your Character in Skyrim COULD Look Like (New Screens)


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I'd imagine that Imperials, Bretons, Nords, and Redguards are supposed to be the most human looking races, so they're bound to appear similar.


I'm impressed with all of them. The elven races look a lot more like they did in Morrowind, just with updated graphics. They made Argonians look like what I was trying to mod them to look like, this is kind of the same situation as the Khajiit (I never got either race how I wanted, though...).

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I do see the diference between Imperials and Bretons, they dont look the same at all, sure there are screens that look similar and some races might be confused at a point, afterall they are both "human", but the skin tone and facial structure are diferent, breton look way more "smooth" and less menacing.




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The hair looks a little low-poly, too, more like Oblivion where they looked like plastic wigs.

It's not low poly. What you are probably seeing is Alpha Test... which looks like ass. Don't worry, another DAY1 mod, switch all hair to Alpha Blend

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I beg to differ. Just look at this side by side. Only the eyes and nose are different:


Edited by SHIROryuu
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on those 2 yeah. But on the whole there is a hue difference in the skin between the brets and imps. The brets being the paler of the 2. the imps having a rose touch to them by the looks of it.

Personally I don't care. I just want to play. I'll make my character look how I want then I'll reign terror in dungeons and kill bandits with a passion.
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The high elves look awesom, less Asian, more arrogant, I especially love their eyes.And it appears that the beast races and the dunmer get more than one eye color, which is also awesome.
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M god... People look...like people... This is amazing! I have been os annoyed with every bethesda game including new vegas with the facial design. no matter what I do the male character looks too feminine and the female looks to masculine. This looks perfect!
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they all have a wild, rugged look to them, and i find this to be awesome. It fits the region. You wouldn't see too many, say, Imperials who look like they'd be more at home in the Tiber Septim Hotel. these people look like they *belong* in the world.


Also, metalocalypse fan that I am, I must get a modder to make me Toki Wartooth hair and moustache models :D One of those fellows was sprting a totally Murderface moustache too.

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Ive been looking VERY closely at all of these and I feel confident I can tell any race apart now aside from the Nords and the Breton .. The Breton have slightly rounder faces and the Nords have bigger bone structure in there face but the only thing that is really going to define them in game will be size .. Nords will tower over Breton ^-^ .. the Imperials have very sharp features and the noses all have sharp edges around the sides .. as well as the tone of there skin being darker and there faces being longer .. they kinda have a johnny depp look :D Then of course the Redguards look like black people which defines them pretty clearly .. The wood elfs have a brown tint to there eyes and sharper nose edges like the Imperials and smoother brows compared to the high elfs and dunmer's .. the high elfs have bigger scalps and longer faces with a yellow tint to there eyes and bright skin .. plus they will be tall .. the dark elfs have the blood red eye and dark pale green skin .. the orcs,kahjiit and argonians are all obvious. Edited by jedimembrain
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