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Houses In Skyrim


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  • 4 weeks later...
i hope they added some armor stands or mannicins like in a few of the oblivion mods that allowed you to show aoff your cool armor without cluttreering up every corner, and having it sink halfway into the floor when you left the house and came back. Edited by modder3434
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Hopefully more variety with pricing as well. You pay more for a better house in the better part of town. You want to be a cheap ass then live in a shack in the slums of town. More cases to place things in. I'm not a modder so I couldn't mod any things in. Better looking inside too. Not so generic. Also be able to hang things on the wall. :thumbsup:
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I hope there are some really expensive homes in Skyrim. In Oblivion, I always ended up having way too much money and nothing to really spend it on. I'm not really a fan of buying every house in the game with one character. I like starting out with something really humble and moving my way up to something better, but it always felt kind of immersion breaking for me to own a house in every city.
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I for one could care less. While I do hope for more options, if I do not like what they give me I'll just add what I want. A nice cabin in the forest with a nearby river would be just fine. Add in a cave to use as storage and we are golden. I really could care less about the house in the city.
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