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Oblivion XP incompatibilit


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Well, I was playing Oblivion yesterday and it was fine; all the mod work well, without no CTD or problem of any sort. Then I quit the game by the normal way and intalled Oblivion XP. I had played that mod before and it was fine but yesterday it started to give me trouble.


You see, I run at least 150 mod - most of then are just cosmetical ones, but a do run some big ones as Anerquina Deserts and HentaiMania - and had no problem at all.


Now, whenever I try lauch the game via obse it crash and give that info:


Assinatura do problema:

Nome do Evento de Problema: APPCRASH

Nome do Aplicativo: Oblivion.exe

Versão do Aplicativo:

Carimbo de Data/Hora do Aplicativo: 462392c7

Nome do Módulo de Falhas: Oblivion.exe

Versão do Módulo de Falhas:

Carimbo de Data/Hora do Módulo de Falhas: 462392c7

Código de Exceção: c0000005

Deslocamento de Exceção: 0018fba6

Versão do sistema operacional: 6.1.7600.

Identificação da Localidade: 1046

Informações Adicionais 1: 27c8

Informações Adicionais 2: 27c8ce5af7a07bedf550bd9c573901b3

Informações Adicionais 3: e56e

Informações Adicionais 4: e56e9cfaf3cd1084b6b4c016d12ce64c


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I uninstalled Oblivion XP alread and it keep happing the same way. Since then I did everything I could think and nothing. I used BOSS to put my load list on ordem, I cleaned all the need plugins - the ones that need to - using TES4Edit, used OMOD to make ArquiveInvalidation, re-installed obse and all that. Still nothing. I even re-installed my Oblivion.ini but it only work without ANY mod - I maneged to make it work with MBP++ but no other.


I only didn't the full re-install of Oblivion 'cause I had a HDcrash last month and don't know where to get all my mod back.


Any info or help would be realy apreciated.


I just had completed the main quest and was half way through the SI main quest to and don't wanna lost the saves :(

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Well, I was playing Oblivion yesterday and it was fine; all the mod work well, without no CTD or problem of any sort. Then I quit the game by the normal way and intalled Oblivion XP.

were you upgrading from Windows 98??


Oblivion works fine on Windows XP


there must be some other problem

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Well, I was playing Oblivion yesterday and it was fine; all the mod work well, without no CTD or problem of any sort. Then I quit the game by the normal way and intalled Oblivion XP.

were you upgrading from Windows 98??


Oblivion works fine on Windows XP


there must be some other problem


Sorry, but its not the Windows XP I was speak about. Its that mod "Oblivion XP"

Its not the first time I play that mod but before I used only Beautfull People and since the mod page said it only had incompatiblity problem with other mods that alter the level-up, I thought it would be fine.


And just to clarifty: I played Oblivion on a notebook Win7 for about one year - since my pc that had Window XP never played it very well.

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My obse is at the least version since its is need for another mod I like to use (Basic Primary Needs).

It was the older version of OblivionXP but the problem remain even though I uninstalled the mod so I really don't know if it would make much diference - only if the older make some change in some other place that make it like its let some even after the uninstall of the mod.

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That's just a generic memory allocation error. What operating system do you use, and where is the game installed?


I use Win7 Premmium Edition and all the 3th party prog are installed at the secundary Progamm Archive folder. And its not a problem with the security control sinse its desable and I the only user of the notebook - with a adm accont.


Its not my OS that give me that crash 'cause I was playing and then quit to install the new mod. It was a very commun thing for me - start the game, make sure its working fine, make a back-up o the least saves, then quit the game, open obmm, active the new mod I like to try, quit the obmm, lauch Oblivion with obse. The only thing is that that time it doesn't work at all

and even when I unistalled the mod the problem remain.

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Win7 is kinda funny with UAC.... Even though you thought you turned it off, Win7 doesn't necessarily take that as gospel. Being installed in any of the program files directories under vista, or 7, is not a good plan.


That said, can you load a save from before you installed Oblivion XP?

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I can't even start Oblivion with any mod. If I reset to default - keeping only Oblivion and SI + UOP - it work just fine. But I cannot load any save, just try it leads to a CDT.


What I wanna really know is that if there are some other compatiblility problem with OblivionXP or that mod keep stuffs on Oblivion even after unistalled.

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