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Why do all the preset women faces have such sharp jawlines?


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Dear god, what happened to my topic?


Anyway, to the guys saying that it makes sense everyone looks rugged......they won't be, and it doesn't, as evidenced by the screenshots we've seen so far.






So far the only truly "rugged" women we've seen have been in the preset faces. And thank GOD for that.



To everyone making a stink about how the presets look horrible, well, the presets looked godawful in Oblivion too. That doesn't mean you can't change them around. Beth made a POINT to mention that their faces were attractive in Skyrim.



And I for one like the changes to the elf faces. I think high elves should have been made more elegant-looking, but at least now there's something to distinguish them from human races other than their skin color and ears (not Bretons just need some distinguishing characteristics.....) Also, I'm a HUGE fan of how they designed the Orc, Khajit, and Argonians.

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I think they look waaaay better from Oblivion. They have better details and more structure. They finally look more badass. They kind of character I wanna play. :thumbsup:
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I actually liked the "generic" faces they showed. I think they were more of demonstrating what all you could put on your character as far as warpaint and hair goes than how you can morph the faces.


About people thinking an attractive woman can't be adventurous-I don't have a problem with naturally attractive women having rugged tendencies, but I do think that they shouldn't be concerned with makeup and how pretty their hair is so much in such a dangerous time. Sure, if your character is one that lives a life of luxury and can afford the time to worry about aesthetics, go for it. I've never liked the "deadly vixen" type of women in modern media though, it defeats the purpose of the function of being attractive when you kill me for asking you out. Although, if you don't care to be in a relationship in the first place and intended to use your beauty to simply kill me, then kudos, goal achieved. But as far as makeup goes in when one lives such an one-the-edge life, it's not practical in my opinion. You'll put the makeup on, go into combat, get dirty, then have to reapply it. It's like taking a shower before exercising, then showering again afterwords-it's a waste of time. I've always preferred women that wear little to no makeup. As far as the elves go, I especially liked that they were clearly distinct from the human-like races.

Regardless of my stance on aesthetics, I also believe that you should live and play games how you want. If you like the "deadly vixen" type characters, make em' as much as you please.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

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Hehe, you would be amazed at the number of women who hunt and shoot and put make-up on to do so. I actually do both so am in a position to know.


Hunting (as in tallyho type hunting) has a dress code, you are making yourself look proper, so the gals often add a touch of mascara and lippy. They do their hair in such a way as they can cram their hats on and if long, it is shoved in an invisible net to stop it getting caught in trees and hedges. The peak on your hunting cap certainly shields the eyes (and there is such a thing as waterproof mascara these days), so underneath the splatters of mud at the end of the day that makeup will still be there.


And when it is my eyes staring down the sights of a 20 bore ladies game gun, they certainly will be framed by Lancome Hypnose.


Think of it as warpaint. People are enthusing about the abilities to add warpaint and tattoos in Skyrim. If it is considered perfectly logical for a warrior to apply warpaint before venturing forth, it is no less logical for a female to slap on the kohl, mascara and a touch of lipbalm. After all it will be ruddy cold in Skyrim....

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  On 10/2/2011 at 12:03 PM, myrmaad said:

I find it hilarious that men assume women wear makeup "for men".


Maybe not all women do it for men, but there's definitely a subconscious "preserve our species" thing going on when anyone does anything to make themselves more appealing on a daily basis. I'm not saying that all women are like that, it's just that it is a part of what humans do.

I don't want anything I say to start any arguments though, so I'll leave it at that.

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  On 10/2/2011 at 4:40 PM, AltreU said:
Maybe not all women do it for men, but there's definitely a subconscious "preserve our species" thing going on when anyone does anything to make themselves more appealing on a daily basis. I'm not saying that all women are like that, it's just that it is a part of what humans do.

I don't want anything I say to start any arguments though, so I'll leave it at that.


No. Make-up is far more about making yourself feel pretty and not embarrassing yourself in front of other girls. How attractive it looks to men is at best a tertiary concern.

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Like I said, maybe not for all women and I'm not here to debate the subject (I'm not feeling to well today anyways, I wouldn't be able to keep up a debate...). Plus, I'd rather not derail the topic.
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