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Insect Removal


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Hello, dudes, and dudettes.


So I made this mod: http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41781


I'm no expert modder, in fact, I don't know if I could even be called an amateur, but I tried to remove all of the insects by deleting them in the GECK (Worked for me in Oblivion with the TES Construction Set).


Unfortunately, it didn't work. Everytime I tried to load the mod, it crashed to desktop.


So I tried to replace the insect enemies with other enemies(mostly feral ghouls), but it also didn't work.


So I am humbly asking you, if there is anyone who can make a similar mod/fix mine, I'll take down my mod, and you will take full credit. I really need such a mod to play, and ever since I posted it, I have seen many people with the same problem. Most of whom depended on me, and I failed to deliver.


So please help.





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I understand some people are affected by phobias so they are deeply uncomfortable and can't stand the object of that phobia, so the request is valid but...


Anyone trying such broad change in the game world and mechanics should be someone that played the game thoroughly, have researched the implications because this could as would break more than one quest, to mention just one, that somewhat obscure exterminate ants at the bridge given by the chief ranger in Mojave Outpost.


That's the main reason for the crashes and instability, unless changing every reference to the object, their ID and properties should not be changed at all, meaning the object used to replace another should reflect the original with respect the faction, behavior, packages, all general traits in fact. That specific feral ghoul should still be referred as an ant as much strange as it sounds... this way the ranger would ask you to get rid of some ants and you would be surprised by far more dangerous feral ghouls but that should not be quest breaking.


Notice if you proceed as above you could just change the meshes and textures files from another chosen creature, renaming them keeping in mind the mesh file has a pointer (path) to the equivalent texture you must correct as well (use nifscope to change the path). The alternative, trying to keep the new creature as it is already implies an arduous work hunting down every place the old one is referenced and changing it.


PS: hoping to clarify the above process. Copy the meshes and textures files from the substituting creature over the substituted, keeping all identifiers from the original untouched. The path in the mesh file is an internal field, the reason I told to use nifscope to change it (it's not enough to just rename the files in this case).

Edited by nosisab
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Unfortunately I don't know how to use nifskope, though your post was very helpful. Is there any way you could help me doing that? I don't mean to throw all the work on your back, but I can't play decently (nor can a lot of people) without such a mod, and using the scarce free time I have, to learn how to do so would take a loooong time. If someone could do the tricky nifskope parts, I could try to figure out how to do the GECK ones, replacing the meshes and textures and so forth. Edited by AdjudicatorXIII
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Sadly I can't help this way since I don't have GECK NV myself. About the issue with the meshes and textures files, it is common to unadvised modders trying to create new textures using a template. They copy the files changing their names, do the desired modifications and failing when in game, that's because the mesh file still points to the former texture file.


Changing that path at the mesh file is simple but since it is an internal field it can't be done in GECK. I'm not sure if can be done in some utility like NVEdit for example, you may want to verify. Anyway is enough you download Nifscope and in this particular case you don't need to be concerned in using it's real power which is actual changes in the mesh but simply adjusting an easy to find field pointing to the texture file associated with the mesh and changing it to point to the new one, could not be easier.

Edited by nosisab
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