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Day 2 - Nexus redesign


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About that new look of home page...


The central slideshow is very attractive feature. Don't get rid of it please. Just make it so that a text appear from below, like on the old nexus. You can leave an option so that each member can pick what he/she wants a slideshow for (FOTM, hot files, latest files, top images...). Bunch of images in the center don't look particularly good.


It's good that news take up more space. I hope that news - comments are going to be as wide as topic description box.


I know that you want to have things your way ;), but those stripes should be replaced with solids. The only place where stripes look good is circus.

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when this new version of the site was in full beta we were warned that thumbnails of the popular mods (the slideshow) would be broken, and so the thumbnail would be huge and not fit the image. I am still having this issue though.. Reset my cache, and cookies, and still happening. I am on the latest version of firefox too. Edited by Dan3345
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@Dark0ne - Very many thanks for returning the notifications. Can't wait to see the new tracking centre once it gets implemented as well.


I like the new mockup too. Having mods dominate the top of the page is great. Personally, like Ruadhan2300, I liked the "hot files" the way you had it but would love to see the "latest files" and "latest images" in the mockup format just below the "hot files".


EDIT: One other thing I just noticed on the mockup. Could you make the "Latest Files" and "Latest Images" hotlinks to those respective pages?




Edited by walrus2517
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The new mockup looks really nice. I missed seeing the latest images on the homepage and adding pics for the latest mods is a nice plus. I hope this will be implemented.


Suggestion: seeing that we have a "go premium" button on all members profile pages, it could be nice to have a "offer premiumship to this member" button instead when you're not on your own profile.

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Latest mock-up of the front page.


I don't think putting the latest images on the front-page is going to change the amount of page views, but heck, lets see ;)


I would have thought something like this might suit:




1. Move the file previews at the top over into a smaller width box.


2. Use the space created to display a slideshow of the latest images uploaded to the imageshare (5-10 images?)

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yeah! I was wondering about that, not to knock some of the mods being made "hot files" but I question the algorithm that's putting them there...I'm sure there are plenty of mods which are getting MUCH more endorsements/downloads than some of these.


About that thing with putting the latest images on the homepage....of course it'll affect pageviews. it raises awareness of them, so it's guaranteed to affect it :P

at any rate, with the pics on the homepage, it makes it less of an allconsuming wall of text and more of a dynamically changing and interesting environment which people will want to visit.


I have to add that I'm using two screens, one widescreen, one not. and the site is much more attractive to me on the smaller one, but -still- too narrow.

This fixed-width thing sucks IMO. I would really suggest switching to a percentage based system so it actually uses the screen more effectively.

right now, I have my browser window only a fraction of the size of my smaller screen. just so it doesn't look painfully small to me. I could zoom in, but then the rest of the internet would look wrong.

my Screens are respectively, 1920x1080 and 1280x1024

I acknowledge that I'm a priviliged bastard with too much money, but I bet a large fraction of the people on this site have beefy rigs and large screens too. it'd be nice to get a little love :/




And another thing...could we please have some kind of image-shrinking script/thingie so large images don't go off the side of the comment boxes?

Edited by Ruadhan2300
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Hi All!


Is there any chance that we'll see restored the ability to leave a Comment along with an Endorsement? As a modder, I really enjoyed hearing a bit of positive feedback from time to time and hearing what people actually liked about one of my mods, for example. It seems people are unlikely to leave 'Praise' comments of their own volition, but if the opportunity is presented when Endorsing, they are more likely to do so.


Also, any way of seeing the list of who has Endorsed the mod? I miss this feature as well...


Thanks for all the hard work trying to keep all of us rabid critics at bay ;)



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